बगीचे या उपाश्रय में रात को या विकाल में एकान्त में चलकर मैथुन का सेवन करें।" ॐ उस प्रार्थना को कोई एकाकी अनभिज्ञ साधु स्वीकार भी कर सकता है।
अतः संखडि में जाना अकरणीय है यह जाने। कर्मों के आस्रव का कारण है, अथवा दोषों का आयतन (स्थान) है। इसमें जाने से कर्मों का संचय बढ़ता है। पूर्वोक्त अनेक दोष उत्पन्न होते हैं, इसलिए संयमी निर्ग्रन्थ पूर्व-संखडि या पश्चात्-संखडि को संयम खण्डित करने वाली जानकर संखडि की आशा से उसमें जाने का विचार भी न करे।
15. When a bhikshu or bhikshuni happens to go to a feast, there are chances that due to over eating of rich food and drinks he may suffer from diarrhea or vomiting or have indigestion resulting in some acute pain or ailment (cholera, fever, aches etc.). Therefore the omniscient has said—“This (going to a feast) is the cause of bondage of karmas."
(At a feast there are also chances of more faults-) There a bhikshu will come in contact and mix with householders and their wives or parivrajaks (male mendicants) and parivrajikas (female mendicants). He will join them to consume intoxicating drinks. Coming out in inebriated state he will search for the upashraya (place of stay or ascetic-hostel). When he fails to locate it, he will consider it (the place of feast) to be the upashraya and stay there with men-women and male-female parivrajaks. He will mingle with them. Those men and women (etc.), drunk and intoxicated, will become oblivious of themselves. The ascetic will also become irrational. He will be drawn towards the female body or a eunuch. Or women or eunuchs will approach that bhikshu—“Long lived Shraman! Let us go to the solitude of a garden or upashraya during the night or other odd hours and enjoy sex.” Some single and ignorant ascetic may accept such request.
Therefore know that to go to a feast is proscribed. It is a cause of inflow of karmas or a source of faults. Going there increases पिण्डैषणा : प्रथम अध्ययन
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Pindesana : Frist Chapter
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