आवश्यकता है। इसी सन्दर्भ में आचार्यश्री लिखते हैं-मास में एक बार से अधिक महानदी पार करने का निषेध है। एक वार का निषेध नहीं है। (वृहत्कल्पसूत्र, उ. ४) यह भी विधान है कि यदि कोई साध्वी जल में गिर गई हो तो साधु उसे पकड़कर निकाल सकता है। (स्थानांगसूत्र ५/२१)
आगम में यह भी उल्लेख है कि एक समय में समुद्र के जल में दो एवं नदी के जल में तीन जीव सिद्ध हो सकते हैं। (उत्तरा. ३६/५०-५४)
इन उल्लेखों से स्पष्ट है कि हिंसा-अहिंसा का सम्बन्ध भावों से है। विवेक, यतना तथा आगम मर्यादा के अनुसार आचरण करता हुआ साधु दोष का भागी नहीं होता। यदि उस विधि में कोई स्खलना व प्रमाद हो जाता है तो उसके लिए ईर्यापथिक प्रतिक्रमण करके शुद्धि कर लेना चाहिए। (हिन्दी टीका, पृ. १०९९)
Elaboration—In the preceding eight aphorisms procedures of overcoming afflictions while riding a boat have been detailed. For example--(1) if the boatman or others ask the ascetic to go against the ascetic code; (2) and on ignoring they abuse him and plan to throw him out of the boat, then the ascetic should inform them about ascetic conduct. If they do not accept this; (3) he should ignore their request and sit silently; (4) as soon as he hears the talk about throwing him into the water he should wrap his clothes around his body; (5) if they forcibly throw him into water, he should neither be glad of soon getting rid of the affliction by entering water nor sorry for drowning, he should not even have ill feelings for the offenders or desire to retaliate physically or take revenge. Instead, he should enter the water with equanimity.
In this context Acharya Shri Atmaramji M. clarifies that there is no mention of any iryapathik pratikraman (procedure of atonement after movement on a path) in the Agam. Therefore there is no fault or sin involved in crossing a river according to the procedure laid down in Agam. But if the procedure has not been followed strictly and there is even a trace of stupor, pain or anger in mind, speech and body than it becomes necessary to atone for it. Acharya Shri Atmaramji M. further states that it is prohibited to cross a river more than once in a month. It is allowed only once a month (Brihatkalpa Sutra, Ch. 4). There is also a rule that if a female ascetic falls into a river, a male ascetic can hold
आचारांग सूत्र (भाग २)
( २५२ )
Acharanga Sutra (Part 2)
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