180. Now you should observe-those people in those clans, due to their own attitudes (as a consequence of their deeds) suffer from the following ailments
(1) Gandamala (goitre), (2) Kodh (leprosy), (3) Rajayakshma (tuberculosis), (4) Apasmaar (epilepsy), (5) Kanatva (blindness in one eye), (6) Jadata (paralysis), (7) Kunitva (deformity of limbs), (8). Kubadapan (kyphosis or hunchbacked), (9) Udarrog (gastrointestinal disorders or gastropathy), (10) Mook-rog (dumbness; aphasia; aphonia), (11) Shoth-rog (oedema; inflammation; distention; turgidity), (12) Gilasini or Bhasmak rog (over-digestion; hyperphagia), (13) Vepaki or kampan-vaat (ague; malaria), (14) Peeth-sarpi (polio), (15) Shleepad-rog (elephantiasis), and (16) Madhumeha (diabetes). These sixteen ailments have been stated in due order. After this he suffers contagious, non-treatable and fatal diseases...
Think about the death, rebirth and fall (cycles of rebirth in higher and lower states) of those people, sincerely contemplate on the fruition of karmas and then listen (about its true form).
१८१. संति पाणा अंधा तमंसि वियाहिआ। तामेव सई असई अतिअच्च उच्चावयफासे पडिसंवेदेति।
बुद्धेहिं एवं पवेइयं। संति पाणा वासगा रसगा उदए उदयचरा आगासगामिणो। पाणा पाणे किलेसंति। पास लोए महब्भयं। बहुदुक्खा हु जंतवो। सत्ता कामेहिं माणवा। अबलेण वहं गच्छंति सरीरेण पभंगुरेण। अट्टे से बहुदुक्खे इति बाले पकुव्वइ। एए रोगे बहू णच्चा आउरा परितावए। णालं पास। अलं तव एहिं।
एयं पास मुणी ! महब्भयं। णातिवाएज्ज कंचणं। धुत : छठा अध्ययन
( ३१३ )
Dhut : Sixth Chapter
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