संज्ञाओं के विस्तृत विवेचन के लिए देखें-आचार्य श्री आत्माराम जी म. कृत हिन्दी टीका (पृष्ठ १८-२९)
पूर्वजन्म का ज्ञान होने के तीन कारण अगले सूत्र में बताये हैं ।
Elaboration-Sanjna means awareness or sensitivity. It is of two types-mental and physical. Every living being is capable of physical awareness. Mental awareness (knowledge) is a special awareness unique to sentient beings. In other words the beings that are endowed with mental awareness or activity are called sentient beings. Even out of the sentient beings some do not know that before being born, from which direction they came. The physical awareness or sensitivity has sixteen categories and the mental awareness or knowledge has five categories. Here only knowledge has been discussed.
According to Sheelank Vritti of Acharanga (leaf 11) the sixteen categories of physical awareness (anubhava sanjna) are-(1) Ahar (eating), (2) Bhaya (fear), (3) Maithun (sex), (4) Parigrah (possession), (5) Sukh (pleasure), (6) Dukh (sorrow), (7) Moha (fondness), (8) Vichikitsa (doubt), (9) Krodh (anger), (10) Maan (ego), (11) Maya (illusion), (12) Lobh (greed), (13) Shok (grief), (14) Lok (life; mundane activities), (15) Dharma (duty), and (16) Ogh (aggregate).
According to Acharanga Niryukti (38) the five categories of mental awareness (jnana sanjna)-(1) Mati, (2) Shrut, (3) Avadhi, (4) Manah-paryava, and (5) Keval-jnana.
Three means of acquiring knowledge of the earlier births have been specified in the next aphorism.
से ज्जं पुण जाणेज्जा; १ सहसम्मुइयाए, २ परवागरणेणं, ३ अण्णेसिं अंतिए वा सोच्चा।
तं जहा - पुरथिमाओ वा दिसाओ आगओ अहमंसि, दक्खिणाओ वा पच्चत्थिमाओ वा उत्तराओ वा उड्ढाओ वा अहो वा अण्णयरीओ वा दिसाओ वा अणुदिसाओ वा आगओ अहमंसि ।
आचारांग सूत्र
Jain Education International
For Private Personal Use Only
Illustrated Acharanga Sutra