body and other mundane things, the path leading to hell or birth as an animal is closed. ___ (2) As he sheds all the karmas during that specific birth, for him all the paths leading to four types of rebirth are closed.
(3) Birth, aging, ailment and death are the four main paths leading to misery. For a detached and alert seeker these paths are closed.
Here the first and the third meanings refer to an ordinary or chhadmasth (one who has a finite cognition, not omniscience) ascetic. For an omniscient who has shed all the karmas the second meaning holds true. Thus a detached and alert aspirant gets liberated from the cycles of rebirth. परिग्रह-त्याग की प्रेरणा .. १५५. आवंती के आवंती लोगंसि परिग्गहावंती से अप्पं वा बहुं वा अणुं वा थूलं वा चित्तमंतं वा अचित्तमंतं वा, एतेसु चेव परिग्गहावंती।
एतदेवेगेसिं महब्भयं भवति। लोगवित्तं च णं उवेहाए। एते संगे अविजाणतो।
१५५. लोक में जितने मनुष्य परिग्रहवान् हैं, वे अल्प, या बहुत, सूक्ष्म या स्थूल, सचित्त या अचित्त वस्तु का संग्रह करते हैं। वे इन (वस्तुओं) में (मूर्छा-ममता के कारण) परिग्रहवान् हैं।
यह परिग्रह ही उनके लिए महाभय का कारण होता है।
साधको ! असंयमी-परिग्रही लोगों के वित्त-(धन या वृत्त) को देखो। जो इन आसक्तियों को नहीं जानता, वह महाभय को पाता है। INSPIRATION TO RENOUNCE POSSESSIONS
155. In this world all those who are acquisitive collect little or more, minute or gross, and living or non-living things. They are acquisitive (due to their fondness) for these (things). This avarice is the cause of great fear for them.
Aspirants, observe the wealth (field) of these indisciplined (acquisitive). He who does not know these attachments suffers great fear. लोकसार : पंचम अध्ययन .
( २५५ )
Lokasara : Fifth Chapter
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