अशुचि भावना का उद्बोधन देते हुए टीकाकार ने एक प्राचीन गाथा उद्धृत की है
"मंसट्ठी रुहिर-हासवणद्ध कललमय-मेय-मज्जासु।
पुण्णमि चम्मकोसे दुग्गंधे असुइ बीभच्छे॥" (टीका, पत्र १२४) __ यह शरीर माँस, अस्थि, रुधिरयुक्त तथा स्नायुओं से बँधा हुआ कललमय मेद और मज्जा से परिपूर्ण एक चर्म कोश है। यह दुर्गन्धमय तथा अशुचि होने के कारण बीभत्स (डरावना तथा घृणास्पद) है। ___ इस प्रकार चिन्तन करने से शरीर के प्रति मोह तथा आसक्ति दूर होती है।
मा तेसु तिरिच्छं-शब्द से अभिप्राय है तिरछे मार्ग पर मत जाओ। ज्ञान-दर्शन-चारित्र का मार्ग सरल व सीधा मार्ग है। इसके विपरीत मिथ्यात्व-कषाय आदि का मार्ग तिरछा-तिर्यक् व टेढ़ा मार्ग है। अथवा काम-आसक्ति का मार्ग तिर्यक् मार्ग है तुम उसमें मत फँसो।
Elaboration-Conveying the impure nature of the body, it is said that as is its interior (full of excreta, blood, flesh, bones, marrow and semen) so is its exterior. An earthen pot filled with filth remains dirty inside, it does not become pure by washing it from outside. In the same way the impure body remains so even after bathing or other types of cleansing.
An earthen pot filled with excreta oozes impurity every moment. In the same way various openings in the body, including pores, constantly ooze out impurity. The seeker should ponder over this and free himself of the fondness and attachment for the beauty of this
Expounding the subject of impurity the commentator (Tika) has quoted an ancient verse___ This body is a vessel made of skin (leather) combined with flesh, bones and blood; reinforced with ligaments; and filled with cells, fat and marrow. Being stinking and impure it is hideous (horrifying and detestable).
Contemplating thus one is rid of fondness and attachment for the body.
Maa tesu tirichham-This phrase means do not go on the diagonal path. The path of jnana-darshan-charitra is simple and straight forward. As against this, the path of falsity or passions and आचारांग सूत्र
( १२८ )
Illustrated Acharanga Sutra
Jain Education International
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