69. Realizing that every being has its own pleasure and pain, knowing the period of life (youth and vigour) not yet lost, o wise ! Recognize the moment (time or opportunity).
As long as your faculty of hearing has not languished, and also the faculties of seeing, smelling, taste and touch have not languished, equipped with all these faculties, you should properly work for the betterment or liberation of the soul.
-So I say.
विवेचन-जब तक शरीर स्वस्थ एवं इन्द्रिय-बल परिपूर्ण है, तब तक साधक आत्मार्थ अथवा मोक्षार्थ का सम्यक् अनुशीलन करता रहे।
'क्षण' शब्द का प्रयोग सबसे अल्प, निमेषमात्र काल के अर्थ में किया जाता है। किन्तु अध्यात्मशास्त्र में 'क्षण' जीवन का एक महत्त्वपूर्ण अवसर है। आचारांग टीका में 'क्षण' की अनेक दृष्टियों से व्याख्या की गई है। जैसे कालरूप क्षण-समय। भावरूप क्षण-अवसर। अन्य नय से भी क्षण के चार अर्थ किये हैं, जैसे-(१) द्रव्य क्षण-मनुष्य जन्म। (२) क्षेत्र क्षण-आर्य क्षेत्र। (३) काल क्षण-धर्माचरण का समय या प्रथम द्वितीय अवस्था। (४) भाव क्षण-उपशम, क्षयोपशम आदि उत्तम भावों की प्राप्ति।
॥ प्रथम उद्देशक समाप्त ॥ Elaboration—Till a seeker is healthy and fully endowed with the vigour of all sense organs, he would continue the right endeavour for uplift of soul and consequent liberation. . The word 'Kshan' has been used to indicate the smallest fraction of time or a moment. But in the spiritual field 'kshan' means an important opportunity. In the commentary (Tika) of Acharanga, 'kshan' has been defined from many different angles. For examplein context of time kshan means samaya (the indivisible fraction of time); in context of attitude kshan means opportunity. There are four other interpretations from different viewpoints(1) dravya kshan means birth as a human being, (2) kshetra kshan means the area inhabited by Aryas, (3) kala kshan means the time of religious practices or its stages, and (4) bhaav kshan means attaining purity of attitude like upasham (the process of suppression of karmas), kshayopasham (the process of extinction-cum-suppression of karmas) and others.
• END OF LESSON ONE लोक-विजय : द्वितीय अध्ययन
( ८९ )
Lok Vijaya : Second Chapter
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