2. The non-vision perception attentive consciousness (Achakshu
darshan). 3. The clairvoyance perception attentive consciousness (Avadhi
darshan). 4. Omniscience perception attentive consciousness (Keval
The knowledge attentive consciousness (Gnan upyog) - how many types are there?
There are eight types, as follow:
1. Empirical knowledge (Mati gnan). 2. Scripture knowledge (Shrut gnan). 3. Clairvoyance knowlege (Avadhi gnan). 4. Telepathy knowledge (Manah paryaha gnan). 5. Omniscience knowledge (Keval gnan). 6. Wrong empirical knowledge (Kumati gnan). 7. Wrong scriptural knowledge (Kushrut gnan). 8. Wrong clairvoyance knowledge (Kuavadhi gnan).
Chapter # 3.4 Instinct of the soul.
What is the definition of the instinct (Sangna)?
The desire of the living being is called the instinct (Sangna).
How many types of instincts (Sangna) are there?
There are four types, as follow:
1. Appetite instinct. (Ahar sangna) 2. Fear instinct (Bhay sangna). 3. Sex instinct. (Maithun sangna) 4. Possession instinct. (Parigrah sangna)