Chapter # 3.5 Soul quest and its different types.
What is called the soul quest (Margana)?
The way, in which the living being is looked upon from different perspectives, is called the soul quest (Margana).
How many different types of soul quests are there?
There are fourteen types, as follow:
1. Realms of existence (Gati). 2. Senses (Indriya). 3. Body (Kaya). 4. Psychophysical activity (Yoga). 5. Gender (Ved). 6. Passions (Kashaya). 7. Knowledge (Gnan). 8. Restraint (Sanyan). 9. Perception (Darshan). 10. Coloration (Leshya). 11. Suitability of the soul (Bhavyatva). 12. True faith (Samyaktva). 13. Sentience (Sangnitva). 14. Accepting the matter (Ahar).
Chapter # 3.6 Soul quest of the realm of existence.
What is called the realm of existence (Gati)?
At the time of the realm of existence of karma fruition, the soul has a mode. This is called the realm of existence (Gati).
360. How many types of realms of existence are there?
Four types:
1. Infernal.