dakṣiņā, 292, 544 dakṣiņāyana, 519 dama, 495, 505 Damsel, 229 Dancing, 498 n. dantolukhala, 287 n. 4
darśana, 455
dasa-kusala-kamma, 498
Dasgupta, S. N., 17, 449 n. 1, 501 n. Dasarathapriya, 99
Daśa-sloki-mahä-vidya-sutra, 120 Daśa-śloki, 79
Data of experience, 157
Dattatreya, 443
Datum of perception, 212
Days, 156
dākṣya, 505 n.
dāna, 505 n., 544
Darila, 284, 293
Darila Bhatta, 275
daruna, 332 n.
Death, 248, 299, 336, 498, 501, 512,
523, 526
Deathless, 518, 526
Debate, 377 Decay, 498
Deccan, Early History of the, 540
n. I
Decisions, 24, 373, 384
Decoction, 390 n.
Deeds, 242, 248
Deep sleep, 232 Defeat, 512
Defects, 38, 214
Deficiency, 319, 326, 335
Definition, 127, 136, 143, 145, 159161, 192; of cause, 186; of perception, 137
deha, 446 n. 3
deha-sambhava-hetavaḥ, 330
Dejection, 230
Delirium, 298, 333 Deliverance, 267
Delivery, 290 n. 3
Delusion, 170, 245, 499, 500, 510
Demerit, 249, 409, 416
Demons, 230, 295, 300, 468, 478,
Denotation of words, 187
Denunciation, 512
Denutritive, 357, 358
Dependence, 10, 529
Dependent on being, 36 Desirable, 512
Desire, 24, 91, 178, 179, 252, 264, 324, 360, 370, 373, 375, 409, 411, 412, 422, 442, 450, 451, 453, 477,
484, 488, 495, 498, 501, 503, 504,
507-511, 516, 519, 520, 522, 529; bonds of, 268; for life, 405 Desirelessness, 228, 490 Desisting, 500
Destiny, 253, 354, 360, 370, 404, 526 Destroyed cause, 186 n. Destructibility, 386 n. Destructible, 197, 512 Destruction, 182, 235, 238; of the atoms, 191; of citta, 268; of mind, 448
Destructive, 331; play, 178 deśa, 358, 389 desa-kala-kriya-dravyaiḥ, 240 Detached, 452
Detachment, 475
Determinant of causality, 186 Determinate, 23; perception,
thought, 25 Determination, 23 n., 55, 75, 186 Determine, 23
devu, 314
Devadatta, 62, 75 Devagiri, 123 Devaki, 544 Devaki-putra, 544 Devarama Bhatta, 81 devatā, 43
deva-yana, 519, 521 Devadarśa, 283
Devendra, 55
Deveśvara, III
Devotee, 532
Devotion, 439-441, 503, 523, 531, 534, 547; to Vedic gods, 505 dhairya, 264, 505
dhamani(i), 289, 290, 343, 344 n., 346
350, 351 n., 352, 355; its pre-Carakian senses discussed, 345, 346 Dhamma-pada, 248, 489, 490, 493 dhanaiṣaṇā, 405
Dhananjaya, 75 dhanur-ākāre, 354 Dhanur-veda, 274
Dhanvantari, 316, 424, 425, 432, 433 dharma, 21, 22 n., 131, 199, 327, 410412, 416, 419, 479, 483, 484, 486488, 494, 503, 525, 538 Dharma-dharmi-viniscaya, 49 dharma-kaya, 22 n. Dharmakirti, 137, 171 dharma-kṣetra, 502 dharma-megha, 251 Dharma-mimamsã-paribhāṣā, 220 Dharmaraja Ādhvarindra, 52 n., 53, 54, 89 n., 105, 198 n., 208, 212, 214, 217 dharma-samketa, 185 dharma-sastra, 547