Concept, 234; of contact, 158 Conception, 236, 247, 524 Conception of Buddhist Nirvana, The,
164 n., 166 n. Concepts of duality, 193 Conceptual, -36; activity, 236; crea
tion, 237, 243, 244 Conch-shell, 6, 101, 114, 134-137,
155 Conclusion, 163, 173, 373, 376-378,
383, 387 Concomitance, 19, 121, 140, 141, 194,
374, 388 n., 397 Concrete, 25, 235 n.; duration, 212;
individual, 239; state, 236 Conditional, 142 Conditionality of relations, 142 Conditioning knowledge, 18 Conditions, 16, 182, 184 Conduct, 500, 503 Conformations, 498 Congenital vāta, 337 Conglomeration, 164, 166 Conjeeveram, 98 Conjunction, 40 Connection, 355 Connotation, 475 Conscious, 15, 371; centre, 16; mo
ments, 62; states, 13, 187 Consciousness, 14, 18, 28, 30, 33, 35, 62-65, 69, 71, 72, 148, 149, 153, 164, 199, 200, 205-207, 209, 210, 213, 215, 222, 234, 271, 310, 314, 318, 360, 366, 368, 369, 387, 406, 471, 477, 498, 532; of relationing,
33; pure, 22 Consequence, 183 Conservation of energy, 517 Constant, 63 Constituent, 17, 18, 74, 322, 371, 525;
elements, 59, 304 Constitution, 334 Constitutional, 335 Constitutive stuff, 48 Constructive, 331; instincts, 23; prin
ciples, 333; tendencies, 24 Consumption, 298, 386 Contact, 190, 194,360,373, 374, 381 n.;
of atoms, 190 Contact-points, 188 Container, 22, 144 Contemporary, 50 Contentless, 182 Contentment, 490, 492, 501, 503 Content of recognition, 66 Contiguity, 367 Continuity, 15, 21; of consciousness,
Continuous, 241; appearance, 25 n.;
perception, 213 Contradiction, 110, 137, 147 Contrary, 17 Control, 256, 419; of anger, 505, 510;
of mind, 505, 510 Controller, 215 Controversy, 125 Cooking, 97, 188, 331 Co-operant, 184 Co-operation, 11, 326 Cordier, Dr P., 425 n., 427, 429 Co-religionists, 501 Coronation ceremony, 282 Corporeal, 512 Correspondence, 134 Cosmic universe, 524 Cosmic world, 526 Costal cartilages, 286 n. I Cotyloid cavity, 287 n. Cough, 296, 298, 300 n. Country, 370 Courage, 328, 333 Course, 519 Covetous, 498, 498 n. Covetousness, 497, 498 Cow, 159, 420, 509, 512 Cranial bones, 287 n. Cranium, 287 Craving, 504 Creation, 72, 178, 234, 235, 242 Creationism, I Creative power, 74 Creative thought movement, 235 n. Creator, 2, 39, 41, 176, 177 Creed, 501 Critical thinking, 264 Criticism, 35, 146, 156, 165, 166, 171,
192, 204, 388; of qualities, 194 Cruelty, 373, 409, 510 Cupidity, 497 Curatives, 280 Curator, 205 Curd, 40 Cures, 280 Currents of sensation, 340 Cursing, 282 Customary morality, 504, 523 Customs, 127, 489, 503 Cyavana, 432 Cycle, 526
dahana, 333 daharādhikarana, 205 n. daiva, 253-255, 310, 407, 408, 472,
515 daiva yajña, 487 daivi sampat, 510