dharma-śraddhā, 505 Dharmatrăta, 171 dharma-vicāra, 56 Dharmaya Diksita, 220 dharmya, 514 dhānya, 317 dhārana, 328, 342, 454, 455 dhürin, 343, 368 n. dhātu, 22 n., 276, 304, 307, 317, 319,
320, 324-329, 331-333, 343, 347,
349, 389 dhātu-mala, 331, 332 dhấtu-rasa, 323 n. dhātu-rūpa-rasa, 322 dhātu-samyam, 327 n. dhātu-caisamya, 319, 320, 326 328,
329, 339 dhātu-yuhana, 35 dhi, 328, 505 dhi-dhrti-smrti-vibhraşta, 416 Dhruva, Mr, 400 n. dhruvo, 22 n. dhyti, 373, 470, 505 n., 510 dhịti-vibhramsa, 416 dhūma-pā, 420 dhūmo, 497 dhyāna, 256, 342, 454, 455 Dhyāna-bindu, 455 dhyāna-yoga, 448, 458 Diabetes, 282, 296 Diagnosis, 301 Dialectic, 118, 127, 170, 171, 225 n.;
criticism, 156; methods, 119; Nagārjuna and Vedānta, 163; of Sankara, 189; Sriharşa and Nāgārjuna,
163 ff. Dialectical, 51, 72, 146; arguments,
218; criticism, 92; subtleties, 192;
thought, 147 Diarrhoea, 206, 299, 300 n. 2 Diet, 384 Difference, 14, 17, 18, 26 n., 27, 30, 63, 65, 76, 88, 92, 95-97, 116, 117, 127, 130-132, 148, 161, 199, 200, 202, 209, 210, 370; numerical, 14;
of characters, 370; of identity, 370 Difference-between-awareness -and
object, 17 Difference-of-awareness - from-the
object, 18 Different, 28, 64, 358, 359; classes,
161; effects, 161; measure, 190 Differentiate, 143 Differentiation, 23 n. Digestion, 303, 322, 323 n., 336, 361
363, 365 n., 370 Digestive fire, 333 Digestive function, 328
Digits, 285 Dihaka, 426 dik, 157 Dinakarī, 264 n. Dinnāga, 26 n., 27 n., 30, 35, 167, 171;
and Candrakirti, 167 Direct cognition, 32 Direct perception, 374 Disciplinary measure, 501 Discipline, 514 Discoveries, 280 Discrimination, 23, 24, 250 Discriminative knowledge, 250, 251,
305 Discussion, 99, 129, 377, 378, 392 Disease, 280, 301, 320, 327-332, 335
n., 336 n., 337, 359, 366, 370, 372, 376, 377, 384, 385, 390, 393, 397; as modifications of dosas, 329; its causes, 320 ff.; its theory according
to Sāmkhya and Nyāya, 328, 329 n. Diseases of the legs, 299 Disgust, 501 Disinclination, 244, 251, 504 Disintegrating, 191, 265, 306 Disjunction, 360 Disliking, 358 Dispute, 377, 379 Dissection, 288 Dissociation, 248, 268, 523 Dissolution, 37, 109, 177, 191, 194,
526; of ignorance, 85 Distance, 360 Distasteful, 357 Distinct entities, 31 Distinction, 14, 15, 401 n. Disturbance, 335 Diverse, 367 Diversity, 26, 38, 39, 195, 357, 367;
of contents, 14 Divine equipment, 510 Divodása, 424, 432, 433 n. I Didhiti, 126 n. dikşā, 292 n. Dipikā, 78 Doctrine, 227, 375, 501, 517, 520, 521,
525 Dogs, 291, 512 Doing good to living beings, 505 Dominant, 358 Dormant, 164 dosa, 300, 319, 325, 327, 328, 332, 334
337, 339, 341, 362, 366, 372, 383, 390, 413, 497; according to Suśruta,
329, 330 doşa-praktih, 334 n. doşābhāva, 214 Doubt, 141, 148, 377, 383, 500