"TuryThadt 917 OTTICH 113/57/"
- Yogarishtisamuchhaya by Haribhadrasuri
"Pranayam (Dipra) is not helpful in yoga progress”.
Pratyahar :
It is a very important step and enjoins on the aspirant to control and withdraw the mind from indulgence in objects of five senses of touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. In Jain scriptures it has been ordained as an essential ingredient both for the laity (house holder) as well as the ascetic (recluse).
“इन्द्रियैः समयाकृष्य विषयेम्यः प्रशान्तधीः । ETHER ARE : data 2018 | 16/611"
- Yogshastra by Hemchandra Charya
“By withdrawing mind and sense organs from sense objects, the aspirant makes his mind stable, gets tranquility and proceeds to pious meditation (Dharmadhyana)"
“समाकृष्योन्द्रियार्येभ्यः साक्षंचेतः प्रशान्तधीः । ya TETOT ETT HYRIER Jeudi 130/111"
- Janarnva by Shubhcahandracharya
"Withdrawing and controlling mind and sense organs from sense objects and sensual pleasures and pains is Pratyahara".
"स्थिरायां दर्शनं नित्यं प्रत्याहार नदेव च। HUHUHTET & Z ufaa 115/1541" "Ta falan erT YUTER YETTI 15/158 II”.
- Yogdrishtisamuchhaya by Haribhadra Suri
"Sthira (fifth stage of yoga which corresponds to pratyahar of Patanjali) implies sense control i.e. the sense organs following the lead of mind rather than pursuing their respective objects."
Dharna (Concentration) Dhyana (Contemplation) Samadhi (Identification)
These three steps are progressive stages intensifying gradually from concentration (Dharna) on an object, continuing it is contemplation (Dhyan) and intensification or complete absorption is identification (Samadhi).
" T
ANGOT Atau ETUT RT I 15/1621"