Here air is described as Kundalini power which is aroused by breathing practices. Such a concept of god as mentioned here is vedic and not Jain.
"त्रिधा लक्षणभेदेन संस्मृतः पूर्वसुरिभिः । nh: 5T594 445 4 4 L|29/3 ||
- Jnanarnava by Shubhachandracharya
"Breathing exercise comprises inhaling, suspension and exhaling".
“प्राणायामो गतिच्छेदः श्वासप्रश्वासयोर्मतः । 7: za hafa # ATT: 115/411"
- Yogshastra by Hemchandracharya
“Pranayam (Breathing exercise) is in three ways inhalation, suspension and exhalation".
In other Jain scriptures on Yoga also Pranayam has been described in the same way as in Vedic scriptures. There is similar mention of lotus shaped charkas, colours, length of exhaled air and superstitious beliefs of various good and bad effects of breathing, curing of diseases, even for telling future including death, through alternate nostrils in different periods. Surprisingly the same writers eulogising pranayam have decried it also as an impediment in the path of progress and achieving the ultimate salvation.
“TUTTLTHÌ 1 MIC LI30/8 II”. "UTRITET 491 RI RIGT727:1130/911" "aaa n a MTH A 1130/101"
- Jananarva by Shubhachandracharya
“Pranayam is not worth doing for aspirants for ultimate salvation as it is an impediment. It is painful and instrumental to create mental tension, harmful mental state (Arta Dhyan). It does not have any beneficial effect."
Similar irrelevance and harmful effects have been mentioned in Yogashastra by Hemchandracharya :
19: 116/411"
“.....UTTRY AT TRI feel “पूरणे कुम्भने चैव रेचने च परिश्रमः । fan it PUITET I 16/511"
"Mind is troubled, does not get stability by Pranayam i.e. inhaling, suspending, exhaling involve hard labour, produce grief and aggrieved state of mind.