Sampadaa Sampanna Samparaya Samparayika Samparayika aasrava Sampatima Sampradaaya Sampradana-kaaraka Sampradharana sangnaa Samprata
Samprayoga Sampreksa Samrambha Samrasa Samsaara Samsaarina
world; Samavasarana Acquisition Possessed of; Rich; Wealthy Downfall; Passional influx Pertaining to passion; Passional influx Mundane influx; Passional influx. Flying insects A religious group Receiver of that deed Memory trace; Instrinct of mind Fit; Proper; Present; Of the present time; Pertinent; Presently; Right now Coming to one's possession. Introspection; Buddhist meditation system Planning; Intention Equanimity nature Cycle of transmigration for all non-liberated souls.
1) Unliberated mundane and embodied; (2) Wordly or Mundane Attainment Ceremonies Sense of indifference of even mindedness; Principle of balanced inclination; Equanimity Destroy Bereft of activites Aggregate; Mass; Multitude Cause (of suffering); Group Teaching time
Samsiddhi Samskaaras Samta bhaava
Samuchchheda Samuchchhinna-kriya Samuchhaya Samudaaya Samuddesana-kaala
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