________________ APPENDIX 13 this rule we have fags (nibile) for faqa: (wivrita) and मंवुडे (Sumritle) for संवृतः (Samvritis) and हेड (heila) for Fa: (hata). This also is one of the striking peculiarities of the modern Marathi language, as compared with the other vernacular (lialects of Indir: thus we have ovia (ganth) for tfu (granthi) am arut (viii) for ध्वनि (dhurami) ind डंख (lankha) for दंश (dansa) and SH (ilambha) for H (dambha) and a hundred others, in the common vernacular dialects. The peculiar preter-past participle in fu (dalli) has not fallen under my observation. There are two forms of this participle in common use, one in E (t't'u) as (kat't'i) and the other in 871 (itta) as TTI (karitta) both meaning off at (kritva). The nearest to zifu (claoi) is the form garu (itanam) which occurs not unfrequently as in the word of TATU (pasitanam) used for a TTI (pasitta) from the root au pasa) in the sense of EET (drislitva). In the third person singular present indicative of the verk, the contracted form ta (karci) is always used, contrary to the Pali practice, which mostly keeps thu a (t) of the Sanskrit in the termination, while the Prakrit substitutes generally < (vl).