See under Jayakîrti, pupil of Jayasinha.
Mentioned as the pupil of Aryarakshita and guru of Dharmaghosha in the Anchala gachchha. 1, App. p. 12; 3, App. p. 219. In Merutanga's 'Satapadîsároddhira (No. 1340 of this Report's Collection) the following dates are given for this Jayasinha. Born at Sopâraka of Babada and Nadhi in Samvat 1179 : diksha at the age of eleven: sûripada Samvat 1202 : died Samvat 1258 at the age of eighty. Compare Bhandarkar's Report, 1883-4, p. 130, where it is noted that our Jayasinhasûri was a contemporary of Siddharaja.
Succeeded Saryadevasûri in the Brihad gachchha. 3, App. p. 40.
Jayasinha suri
Of the Harshapuriya gachchha. Guru of Abhayade vasûri Maladhârin. 3, App. pp. 155 and 274.
Pupil of Sangamasinhasûri, 3, App. p. 192.
Author of a Jain Kumarasambhavakavya. 3, App. p. 251. A copy of this book bought for Government during the present year shews that Jayakesara, as I have printed in the verse given at p. 252, is a mistake for Jayasekhara (Cf. 1. 1 same page). Two Jayasekharas are known, one belonging to the Nâgapuriya branch of the Tapâ gachchha, see Bhandarkar's Report, 188283, p. 43, who lived in the time of Hammira (1301 to 1365 A. D.); and one belonging to the Anchala gachchha, who wrote in Samvat 1436. See Bhandarkar's Report, 1884-6, p. 130.
Jayasoma suri
Author of the Vichâraratnasangraha, which he compiled in Samvat 1657. Pupil of Pramodamâņikyasûri, and guru of