Guņavinaya. Jayasomasûri was assisted in his task by his gurubhrâtar Dayâranga. These writers lived in the city Seruņâ. 3, App. p. 310. The Guņavinaya mentioned here is the writer who composed in Samvat 1646 a Damayantika. thâţikâ. Sce Aufrecht under Guņavijayagaņi, corrected in Errata.
Joint author with Vâmana of the Kasika Vritti.
1, p. 29.
One of the five pupils of Somasundara. See the entry Jayachandra. 3, App. p. 227. This writer is the author of the Champakaśreshthikathânaka, which has been edited and translated by Weber (also by Böhtlingk). See Weber, II. p. 1109. No. 279 in my Collection 1882-3, is a Dhanyaśālicharitra by him (the date, Samvat 1497, given as the date of the MS., must be the date of the composition of the book). He composed the commentary to his own Namaskarastava in Samvat 1494. Klatt, On. from L. VIII. pp. 245-6. Klatt gives two more works by this writer, the Dânakalpadruma (Gouglı, Pap. p. 92, n. 200) and the Srîpålagopalakathâ (Bhau Daji Mem. p. 42).
Mentioned as in the vansa of Jinavallabha, Jinadatta, Jinachandra (Nos, 44, 45, and 46 with Klatt). He is therefore Klatt's No. 50 of the Kharatara gachchha (born, Samvat, 1337 : dîkshâ, Samvat 1347: sûrimantra, Samvat 1377 : died, Samvat 1389). 3, App. p. 314. He gave acharya pada to Tarunaprabha, the author of the Srâvakapratikramaņasútravivarana. 3, App. p. 222. Author of the Chaityavandanakulavritti, Kielhorn's Report, 1880-1, p. 13.
Pupil of Jineśvara in the Kharatara gachchha. (Jinesvara and Jinachandra are Nos. 40 and 41 with Klatt.) Mentioned 5 A