Title: Uttaradhyayana (Skt).
Content: A collection of texts for monks and nuns in 36 chapters (ajjhayana) on a variety of topics: difficulties to be endured, the nature of karman, right conduct, the animate and inanimate world etc.
Exegesis:1 A
References: Winternitz 1933:2, 466-70; Schubring 1935, $54; Schubring 1944, 42-53; BORI Cat. 17:3, 1–90; JSBI 2, 143-70; Tripathi 1975, 94–98.
Dated commentaries
Undated commentaries
Dated commentaries
Bhadrabahu, Niryukti 607 Prakrit gāthās, apparently only known from Santyācārya's cty (JRK 430). Ref. JSBI 3, 105-109.
1989 Niryukti-sangrahaḥ / Bhadrabahusvāmiviracitaḥ; sampadakaḥ samsodhakaś ca Śrījinendrasūri. Prathamāvṛttih. Lākhābāvala, Santipurī, Saurāṣṭra: Śrī Harṣapuṣpāmṛta Jaina granthamālā, Vīra sam. 2515. Vikrama sam. 2045. San 1989. 20, 600 p. ; [1] plate; 19 cm. (Śrī Harṣapuṣpāmṛta Jaina granthamālā; 189).
5. Śrīuttaradhyayanasūtra-niryuktiḥ 365-419.
ANU BL1310.4 B432 1989 1995 The Nijjuttis on the seniors of the Svetâmbara Siddhânta : Ayäranga, Dasaveyāliya, Uttarajjhāyā and Suyagada: text and selective glossary / Willem B. Bollée. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1995. ix, 197 p. ; 24 cm. (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung Südasien-Institut Universität Heidelberg; Band 169).
Uttarajjhāyā Nijjutti: p. 75-117. (Apparently based on Utt. 1916-17, although a Bombay ed. of 1950 is also mentioned on p. 75 but without details).
Reviews: Herman Tieken, Asiatische Studien = Études asiatiques 1996 [681]-683.Nalini Balbir BEI 13-14 (1995-96) 547-48.- Paul Dundas, BSOAS 60 (1997) 15253-K. R. Norman The Jain nijjuttis Acta Orientalia 58 (1997) 52-74.
Printed. Utt.; 1916-17; <1950->.
Govaliya Mahattara Sisya, Curni, 5 850 granthas (JRK 43). Ref. JSBI 3, 308–309. Author, Jinadasa Mahattara? (1960-67 edition v. 1 p. 6 (1st group)).
Printed Utt. 1933.
Santyācārya Vadivetāla, Thārāpadra gaccha, tīkā called Sisyahitā, 16 000 granthas (JRK 43). Contains the Niryukti of Bhadrabahu = Pāiaṭīkā (Utt. 1991, 12 (1st group)). Also called Bṛhat-tikā (Tripathi 1975, 95). Sāntisūri is reputed to have died in sam 1096 [1039] [Kāpadiā] quoted by Tripathi 1975, 95. Ref. JSBI 3, 388-393.
Vādivetāla Säntisūri d. 1040 CE (JSBI 2, 146 n; Bollée 1990, 265).
"... the oldest and best of all commentaries [on Utt.]" (Alsdorf 1966 study, Foreword.) Printed Utt.1916-17; <1950->.
CGRM lists a MS of a Gujarātī version of this cty (p. 22-23).
Nemicandra Sūri, before dikṣa called Devendra (fl. 1072-83), pupil of Amradeva, pupil of
*Dvāvimsatiparīsaha-kathāḥ / sampadakaḥ samsodhakaś ca Vijayajinendrasūrīśvaraḥ. Prathamavṛtti. Lakhābāvala Santipurī, Saurāṣṭra: Śrī Harṣapuṣpāmṛta Jaina Granthamālā, 1988. 2, 112 p.; 13 x 26 cm. (Śrī Harṣapuṣpāmṛta Jaina granthamālā; 182). [DK4079. DK listing 1988-96, item 175] "Jaina religious stories based on the commentary of the Uttaradhyayasutra." (DK listing). I am not certain which commentary is meant here.