Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
46. Chaukkasaya Sutra
ise of Lord Pärshvanätha.
Sutra and Meaning: ચઉક્કસાયપડિમલ્લૂરણ, દુજયમયણબાણમુસુમૂરણ, સરસપિયગુવનું ગયગામિલે, જય પાસુ ભુવણgયસામિક. ૧ chaukkasäya padimallulluranu, dujjaya mayana bäna musumuranu; sarasa piyangu vannu gaya gämiu, jayau päsu bhuvana ttaya sämiu. 1 Lord Pärshvanatha, who is the master of all three worlds, who is endowed with golden complexion and walks like an elephant, who is destroyer of all four passions and has cut apart the Cupid's arrow, may you be ever victorious. 1 જસુ તણુકંતિકડમ્પરિસિદ્ધઉ, સોહઈ ફણિમણિકિરણા સિદ્ધઉ, નં નવજલહર તડિલ્સયલંછિઉં, સો જિણ પાસુ પયચ્છઉ વંછિઉ. ૨ jasu tanu känti kadappa siniddhau, sohai phani mani kiranä liddhau; nam nava jala hara tadillaya lanchhiu, so jinu päsu payachchhau vanchhiu. 2 Lord Pärshvanätha, whose graceful body shines with rays emitted by the jewel on the hood of the cobra covering his head and by lightening accompanying the torrential rain, grant me that what I desire. 2
Explanation: This hymn of praise (chaitya vandana) of Lord Pärshvanätha is recited while performing sämäyika and Pratikramana.
47. Mannaha Jinänam Sajjhäya Sutra
Object: The description of 36 essential duties of a layperson.
Sutra and Meaning: મન્નાહ જિણાણમાણ, મિચ્છ પરિહરહ વરહ સમ્મત્ત, છબૂિહ આવસ્મયમિ, ઉજજુત્તો હોઈ પઈ દિવસ. ૧