Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
ચચૈન પઠતિ સદા, શૃણોતિ ભાવયતિ વા યથાયોગ સહિ શાંતિપદં ચાયાત્, સૂરિ: શ્રીમાનદેવશ. ૧૭
yashchainam pathati sadä, shrunoti bhävayati vä yathäyogam; sa hi shantipadam yäyät, surih shrimanadevashcha. 17
Any person, who recites, listens and contemplates on this hymn everyday as well as the composer of the hymn Ächärya Shri Mänadeva Suri, may very quickly achieve eternal peace. 17 ઉપસર્ગા: ક્ષય યાન્તિ, છિદંતે વિનવલ્લય:,
મન: પ્રસન્નતામેતિ, પૂયમાને જિનેશ્વરે. ૧૮
upasargäh kshyam yänti, chhidyante vighna vallayah;
manah prasannatämeti, pujyamäne jineshvare. 18
Worship of Lord Shäntinätha destroys all calamities, creepers of obstacles are exterminated and the mind becomes pure and clear.
સર્વ મંગલ માંગલ્ય, સર્વ કલ્યાણ કારણ,
પ્રધાનં સર્વ ધર્માણાં, જૈનમ જયતિ શાસનમ્. ૧૯
sarva mangala mängalyam, sarva kalyäna käranam; pradhänam sarva dharmänäm, jainam jayati shäsanam. 19 The holiest among all, the prosperous among all; the supreme among all the religions, is the holy law of Jina. 19
Explanation: City of Nadol was suffering from plague created by a witch. Agreeing to the request of the Jain community of the city, Shri Mänadeva Suri composed this hymn to get rid of the plague. Shri Mänadeva Suri was blessed by Padmä, Jaya, Vijayä, and Aparajita, the four goddesses; due to their mystic power the city was saved from the disaster created by the plague.