Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
victorious (Jayavaha) and helpful (Bhavati Devi), as strength of your mystic formulae/spells (mantra shastra) mysteriously brings triumph on this world. 7 (Bhagavati means Divine, Vijayä means Victorious in a special way, Sujya means victorious in an auspicious way, Anita means Unconquerable, Aparajita means Undefeatable and Bhavati means helpful). The next eight (8 to 15) verses are in praise of Vijaya Devi (Goddess of Victory). સર્વચાપિ ચ સંઘચ, ભદ્રકલ્યાણમંગલપ્રદે, સાધુનાં ચ સદાશિવ, સુતુષ્ટિપુષ્ટિપ્રદ જીયા: ૮ sarvasyäpi cha sanghasya, bhadrakalyäna mangalapradade! sädhunäm cha sadä shiva, su tushti pushti prade! jiyäh. 8 I salute you! O Goddess! Who is beneficial and auspicious to entire fourfold Jaina congregation, and gives mental peace (sutushti) and brings prosperity (pushti) to revered monks, 8 ભવ્યાના કૃતસિદ્ધિઃ નિવૃત્તિનિર્વાણજનનિ: સત્તાનામ, અભયપ્રદાનનિરતેનમોસ્તુ સ્વસ્તિપ્રદે તુચ્ચમ. ૯ bhavyänäm krutasiddhe! nivrutinirvänajanani! sattvänäm; abhayapradänanirate ! namostu svastiprade tubhyam. 9 I salute you O Goddess! Who fulfils the goals of suitable emancipators (bhavya jivas) by always looking after their wellbeing, protecting, bringing them eternal peace and ultimate release. 9 ભકતાના જંતૂના શુભાવહ. નિત્યમુદ્યતે. દેવી! સમ્યગદ્રષ્ટિનાં ધૃતિ, રતિ મતિ-બુદ્ધિ-પ્રદાનાય. ૧૦ જિનશાસનનિરતાનાં, શાંતિનતાના ચ જગતિ જનતાનામ,
શ્રી સંપત્કીર્તિ ચશો વર્ધ્વનિ! જયદેવિ: વિજયવ ૧૧ bhaktänäm jantunäm, shubhävahe! nityamudyate! devi! samyagdrshtinäm dhruti rati, mati buddhi pradänäya. 10 jinashäsananiratatänäm, shäntinatänäm cha jagati janatänäm; shrisampatkirtiyasho varddhani! jaya devi! vijayasva. 11 Oh Goddess! You bestow love, patience, understanding and knowledge to the people with right faith, benefactor of devoted souls, and the followers of Jain religious order. You who is dedicated to Jaina religious order and pays obeisance to Lord