Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
sakalätisheshaka mahä sampatti, samanvitäya shasyäya;trailokyapujitäya cha, namo namah shänti deväya. 3 Lord Shäntinätha you who possesses 34 special qualities (atishaya), praiseworthy and is worshiped by living beings of all three worlds, I salute you. 3 સર્વાસુસમૂહ, સ્વામિક-સપૂજિતાય ન જિતાય, ભુવનજનપાલનોધત, તમાય સતત નમસ્તસ્મૃ. ૪ sarvämara su samuha swämika, sampujitäya na jitäya; bhuvanajanapälanodyata, tamäya satatam namastasmai. 4 I salute you for ever, O Lord Shäntinätha who is ever ready to protect living beings of all three worlds, who is worshiped and is undefeated by entire assembly of celestial beings and their rulers the 64 Indras. 4 સવૈદુતિૌઘનાશન કરાય, સર્વાશિવપ્રશમનાય, દુષ્ટગહભૂતપિશાચ, શાકિનીનાં પ્રમથના. ૫ sarvaduritaughnäshana karäya, sarväshiv prasamanäya; dushtagrahabhutapishächa, shäkininäm pramathanäya. 5 My salutations to you forever, Lord Shäntinätha, who destroys all the evils and contains all calamities including those, created by evil planetary gods (graha), ghosts, evil spirits (pishächa) and witches (shäkini). 5 યસ્યતિ નામમંત્ર, પ્રધાનવાકયોપયોગકૃતતોષા, વિજયા કુરુતે જનહિત, મિતિ ચ નુતા નમત તે શાંતિમ. ૭ yasyeti näma mantra pradhäna väkyopayoga krutatoshä; vijayä kurute jana hita, miti cha nutä namata tam shäntim. 6 I salute you Lord Shäntinätha; listening to your spell bound name repeatedly has brought immense pleasure to Goddess of Victory (Vijayä Devi) who is adored by the people, as she is their benefactor. 6 ભવતુ નમસ્તે ભગવતિ, વિજયે સુજયે પરાપઐરજિતે! અપરાજિત ! જગત્યાં, જયતીતિ જયાવહ ભવતિ! ૭. bhavatu namaste bhagavati! vijaye! sujaye! paräparairajite! aparäjite! jagatyäm, jayatiti jayävahe! bhavati! 7 I salute you O! Devine (Bhagavati), Vijaya, Sujya, Ajita and Aparajita all four Goddesses who are undefeatable, always