they were around during the time this Akram path was active. Then upon further investigation, they will discover that they were too busy building high-rise apartments. All other circumstances may come together, but it is not possible for one to become established on this Akram path. The circumstances that come together here are that of the eternal (sat). One will realize only the day after he receives the Self in the Gnan Vidhi.
It has now been twenty-five hundred years since Lord Mahavir 's nirvana (final liberation), and yet it is amazing to see such a phenomenal instrument' manifest as a path to liberation. Otherwise how is Akram Vignan even possible? Twenty-five hundred years after Lord Mahavir, these instruments would arise and this change will occur. People had made a request to the Lord asking Him to increase His lifespan in order to save humanity from the destructive effects of the approaching time cycle and from the influence of the planet Bhasmak on the earth and on people. But the Lord said no; He said people will have to suffer till the final degradation of human interaction. When it will reach to the peak, that too will give results. This difficult time is now coming to an end. And the end result is this Akram path, otherwise how can Akram possibly exist?
Occasionally, in a million years, there arises a phenomenal human being who has to say all this himself. 'We are giving you this absolute assurance that there is no superior over you. There is absolutely no one in a position of power over you, so is there any reason for you to be afraid?
A person, in whom all internal states of easiness and uneasiness (akudata-vyakudata) cease, is always in a state of bliss (nirakudata) or antarang pacchakhaan (antarang means aantrik meaning internal. Pacchakhaan means pratyakhyan, which is a vow to never err; never to enter the domain of the non-self). The gnanis of the Kramic path are always in the state of easiness and uneasiness. The Kramic path is a factory of
easiness-uneasiness. And this path of Akram Vignan gives one instant positive results in all situations.
Now there will be new experiences. You have seen nothing yet from the hill you have climbed. But now you are free to look and roam around. It will amaze you. Take as much advantage of it as you want. Each one will gain according to his spiritual level and understanding. If one is not able to carry the load himself, 'we' will help him. This, Akram Vignan that has arisen is very extraordinary and unique, so get your work done.
"The rain, which the entire universe yearned for has fallen during the spell of torturous and unbearable heat!' -Kavi
The rain of Gnan has fallen during a time of relentless suffering. During such a time every human being, be it an ascetic, an acharya, a monk, a nun or an ordinary person, are all suffering. It is natural for it to rain during the rainy season, but to rain' during the 'heat wave' of the current cruel time cycle, is an exceptional phenomenon indeed! The rain, which would never otherwise fall, is falling! This is where you have to get your work done.
The vitarag Lords have two types of Gnan; Kramic and Akramic: Akramic is the one, which today has arisen around fus.