target is the sound within the body. Only when the drashti falls on the drashta (the Self, seer) and gnan on the gnata (knower), is your work accomplished. The attributes of Soul are to see and to know. Many say, "God gives me darshan from within." Is that darshan a darshan of Yogeshwar Krishna? How can you have that darshan? That darshan stems only from what you have already seen and you have seen Lord Krishna only in pictures!
The knowledge of, 'Who am I?' is 'I am Shuddhatma (I am a pure Soul). When this knowledge is attained, you attain the knowledge of the Knower and only then there will be no more vikalp ('I am Chandulal'). Vikalp - I' in the wrong place, will remain as long as Gnan does not fall into the knower (I am the Soul) and sankalp - my or mine, remains as long as the vision (drashti) does not fall in the seer (drashta).
Ego : Ahamkar If a train is stuck, some foolish one will comment, "The railway people are useless. They should all be fired!" You foolish people, who are you condemning? The workers and the train are both vitarags (they are impartial). Nevertheless, the ego will not refrain from playing its role. We have become free from all such misunderstanding after Gnan. Outside there are storms of misunderstanding. When the gutters become full with water, people complain and curse the employees of the municipality, "You people do not clean out the gutters!"
If a housewife buys lentils, which do not cook well, she curses the grocer and if it comes to her mind, she will even curse the farmers! She attacks so many people this way. If you tell her to check with the neighbor, she will find that her neighbor does not have any problems with her lentils. However, she has a habit of attacking and accusing people. If her cooking turns out good, she will tell everyone in the house. That is ego. Attacking is also ego. This ego says, "I am something." If you ask, "What are you?" She will say, "I don't exactly know, but I know I am something!
At Diwali the host serves snacks with good intent (bhaav) but a guest may say with resentment, "I don't care for this. I don't like it"; that is an ugly ego. On this auspicious day of Diwali, if he takes just a small amount of that snack, he will not hurt the host. Then his ego will appear good. 'We would drink even poison if it was served to 'us' with good intention. Yes, 'we' have solutions for everything.
What is Akram Gnani? Akram Gnani's ego is very