(relative atma) becomes still and serene. This is the power of company of like minded people (sangh), is it not? Nothing is accomplished without such a group. You need the power of such a group and when such energy (power) exists in a group there will be no discord due to difference of opinion. That is why Lord Mahavir associated with many people. The more the people, the greater the energy of the group (sangh) and the more the soul becomes settled and still. If there are only three people, then the company will be three strong; the more people, the stronger and greater the company. An hour of this satsang has tremendous value.
The purpose of bells in temples is to steady the chit. Why do they use aangi; the silver plating over the idols of God? Why do they have all kinds of decoration for God? Why do they have aromatic incense and candles? These are all tools to help hold the chit in the right place. When the bells ring, they drown all outside noises. But the 'smart' ones will have their chit on their shoes outside the temple when they are doing darshan of the Lord inside the temple! You fools! Just be mindful of vyavasthit! A person will only take your shoes if they are meant to be his (due only to accounts of karma) and if he does; he will take them only once. Is he likely to take them every time? So let him take them, at least your karmic debt will be paid off.
The worldly life is a disease of sort. This disease will be allayed and lessen for the duration of time you forget about it. The more you forget about it, the more you will be rid of it. That is the law. The worldly life disease, increases as the chit wanders around. There is no instrument to make this worldly disease leave. The Gnani Purush is the only instrument.
At night, whatever you make the pure chit do; it will continue to do just that whole night long and you will have blissful sleep. When 'we' are doing a vidhi at night and 'we' happen to doze off, the vidhi continues from where 'we' left (dozed) off when 'we' wake up. And if 'we' doze off again, the
same thing happens again and the vidhi will end in the morning. If you capture the pure chit in this way, it will last till the morning. 'Miracles' of the chit
Questioner: I see a flash of light for a fraction of a second when I am doing my prayers. Is this the light of the Self? Dadashri: That flash of light you see is a sensory play;
it is a phenomenon of the chit. The chit becomes still when one's faith sets in it. The light of the Self is not something you can imagine, even if you want to. When someone tells me, "I can see Lord Mahavir, "I tell him, "What you are seeing is the idol that you have seen before. What you are seeing is the scene, the target; the object (drashya). What you need to do is to look for the seer (drashta). Keep the vision (drashti) in the seer (drashta) and keep the knowledge (gnan) in the knower (gnata), then your work will be accomplished."
Questioner: What is soundless sound (anahat naad)? Dadashri: 1 : It is the concentration of the chit wherever there is a pulsating sound within the body.
They do the same in kundalini yoga, but one cannot get moksha by doing that. You will encounter so many such stations on the way to moksha. But your work will be done when you arrive at the final station. There is nothing but chit chamatkar in the practice of kundalini yoga but it has nothing to do with the Soul. The Jains say, "there is no liberation without the knowledge of the Soul.' The followers of the Vedanta too, say the same thing. And anahat naad is a sound; it is the sound in and of the body. There is no Soul in it!
Some say, "I can see Lord Krishna within"; that is chit chamatkar, there is no Soul in that. The one seeing Krishna is the Soul. Ultimately the drashti has to fall on the drashta, i.e. the vision has to fall on the one seeing. Instead, people focus on what is being seen. In anahat naad and other such practices, the