life after life." This has been the basis of the world's existence. Entanglements are created by continuous agitation. When a person harbors and supports his own vengeful attitude, it returns life after life and instead of solving entanglements, he creates five new ones.
People believe they will become free by worshipping the God above. But there is no one up there. You are your own superior, you are your own protector and you are your own destroyer. You are whole and sole responsible for yourself. No one else interferes in all this. Whether you have a superior or an underhand, it is entirely due to your own mistakes. Will you not have to destroy your mistakes?
If you do not understand that you yourself are at fault, then you sow seeds for another life. 'We'caution you about this but what can anyone do if you do not wake up and listen? If you are not at fault then there will be no interference within. If you see the world with a pure vision, then it will appear pure. And if you look at it with a crooked vision, then it will appear crooked. Primarily therefore, you need to make your vision pure. Why have attachments towards temporary
attributes? Questioner : Dada, we are supposed to see people's positive attributes and not their faults, is that correct?
Dadashri : No, neither. What you see is all attributes of the non-self (prakrut gunas) and none of them are permanent. A benevolent person may have that quality for fifty years, but that quality will change if he were to become delirious. The qualities or attributes (guna) remain because of the three prakruti traits of varta, pitta and kapha. If the three become imbalanced, a person would become delirious. One has accumulated such qualities for countless lives. Nevertheless, you should not mix kashays with this. When one accumulates good prakrut qualities, he will one day be able to attain the Soul. Even
a person who has compassion, kindness and patience will hit people if the gunas vatta, pitta and kapha were to go bad and become imbalanced. These are all attributes of the prakruti (non-self). With such qualities one can bind new merit karma while enjoying the fruits of past merit karma (punyanubandhi punya). With it one may encounter a Gnani Purush in some future life and attain liberation. But you cannot depend on such qualities because you never know when they may change. These are not the attributes of the pure Soul; they are prakrut qualities. They are not the qualities of the Self; they are qualities of the non-Self. 'We' call them "tops' i.e. the spinning toys. The entire world is dictated by these prakrut gunas. It is like a top. Prakruti makes you do samayik and pratikraman and you claim that you did them. If you were to ask the Lord, He will tell you, "You are not the doer of anything." When your legs hurt you will say, "What can I do? I am not able to do samayik." If you were truly the doer, you would be able to do anything. Prakruti makes you do things and you claim, 'I did it and that is why you sow seeds for your next life. Circumstances occur due to maturation of your karmas but you falsely take credit of doer-ship in it. How can you call someone a sadhu (an ascetic) when he enjoys the sweet taste of the doer-ship in what unfolds as an effect? Only a Self-realized person can liberate you.
Are all these not mistakes? You have never investigated them, have you?
Questioner : Dada we are trying to get out of them but we keep getting in deeper.
Dadashri : No, do not make such attempts. What would happen if you were supposed to dig a hole here but dug a hole somewhere else? On the contrary, you incur a liability for your mistake. This is what people do; they make wrong attempts. Instead you should go to a person who is already liberated, so that he can help you attain liberation too. How can a drowning