(3) Tri Indriya (fa (44). Things in this class possess one extra' sense' besides body and tongue, i. e. nose.
In each class the extra 'sense' which
184. distinguishes it from the class below is supposed to be the one which exercises the most power. In this division the Jaina put ants, bugs, moths, black ants. An unfortunate result of this is that the Jaina will not kill vermin. (4) Corendriya (21784). The things which possess
body, tongue, nose and eyes are considered Corendriya to be four sensed ; they include scorpions, butterflies, locusts, wasps, bees, mosquitoes.
(5) Pañcendriya (jä[84). In the fifth class things possess body, tongue, nose, eyes and ears. They are divided
into two classes, those possessing 'intelPancendriya.
ligence,' Sañiñi Pañcendriya (rizal väl&4), as men, gods, certain birds and beasts; and those without intelligence, Asañjñi Pancendriya (Buzizil jalad), certain other birds and beasts, frogs, fishes, germs (of plague) etc.
All five classes are subdivided into two divisions, in which things are placed according as time is necessary for
the full development of the 'senses' or as Double Division.
o the senses are fully developed at birth. Thus if a child dies before birth, though it belongs to the highest division, it is classed as undeveloped (Aparyāptā 24441271). For a man to be developed ( Paryāptā yell) he must possess six things :-Food ( A'hāra 241812), Body (S'arira 21272), Senses (Indriya 64), Speech (Bhāṣā 01191), Mind ( Mana H0) and Respiration (Svāsocchvāsa izle 2699174).