I am thankful to my esteemed friend Pt. Mahendra Kumara Nyayacharya for asking me to write a Foreward to the Nyayaviniscayavivarana of Śrī Vādirājasūri, which is a commentary on the Nyaya viniscaya of Sri Bhaṭṭa Akalanka. Bhaṭṭa Akalanka is an author of stupendous scholarship and superordinary insight. One of the greatest luminaries of the Digambara Jaina school, he has set out in forcible and dignified language the principles of logic that were presupposed by the Jaina philosopher. But the full implications of the writings of Bhaṭṭa Akalanka have been brought out by the subsequent writers of the school who wrote illuminating commentaries on these philosophical classics. The Nyayaviniscaya, as is apparent from the very title of the book, is a work on Jaina epistemology that I have had the good fortune to study; The commentary of Vadirajasuri on the Nyayviniscaya seems to me the most elaborate, exhaustive and comprehensive of all. The language and the arguments of Vadirājasūri are admittedly exceedingly abstruse and incisive. The value of this work is particulary augmented by the elaborate criticism of Dharmakirti's Pramāṇavārttika and the exposition of Prajñākaragupta, called Pramanavartttikalankara, a work which is encyclopædic in its scope and comprehensive in its treatment of all the relevant problems that exercised in the past the minds of the stalwarts of every school of Indian logic. This work, though primarily it professes to be the exposition of the Jaina logical tenets, has a superadded value as the faithful exposition and elaborate critique of all the tenets of the Buddhist Schools of thought, particulary of Dharmakirti and his exponents. The work is no doubt extremely stiff and a hard nut to crack. It requires concentrated attention even on the part of the best equipped scholar who has made the aquaintance of these intellectual titans and their classical products. It is a matter of sincere and deep felicitation that this extremely hard work dealing with unfamiliar and at the same time enormously difficult problems has been edited with perfect accuracy and extraordinary skill for the first time. It is a Source of unfailing delight