becomes immersed in soul- experience and self-realization. If person dies in this condition then such person becomes liberated and attains salvation.
Lataif and Chakras are the concepts of Islamic Sufism and Hindu Vedic spiritual practices. The similar concepts are found in Judeo Christian religious or spiritual practices also. The seven Chakras as described in the Tree of Life of Kabbalistic Judaism are mentioned here with their Hebrew names against their Sanskrit equivalents. They are:
(Kether : Sahasrara chakra), (Hokmah : Ajna chakra),(Binah : Vishuddi chakra), (Gevurah : Anahat chakra), (Tifferet : Manipura chakra), (Yesod : Swadhistana chakra), (Malkuth : Muladhara chakra).
On top of the tree of life proper is Kether (the crown) which lies directly below Ayin and represents pure divine will. This is the equivalent to Sahasrara chakra. Next is Hokmah, or the wisdom point, which is the equivalent to ajna chakra. Then Binah (understanding) at the throat center or vishuddi chakra. The heart chakra (anahat) is a combination of Gevurah or justice (symbolized by the left arm and red in color) and Chessed (love and grace) symbolized by the right arm and the color, white. The manipura (jewelled center) chakra at the navel corresponds to Tifferet or beauteous splendour which corresponds to the sun in kaballah and the fire element in yoga. Below Tifferet (splendour) is Yesod which is the generative, seminal, and sexual center which is linked to Tifferet above both directly and through Hod and Netsah. The root chakra (muladhara in Sanskrit) equates to Malkuth of the Kaballah where the Shekinah can enter. It is said that the secret of fulfilling the mizvot (the epitome of all good deeds) is the mending of all the worlds and drawing forth the emanation from above thus balancing Shekinah with Ayin Soph.
There is much to discuss about subtleties of Christianity, but let me close with a brief introduction of the seven neshamot (subtleties) within us which correspond to the first seven "Let there be" instances of Genesis. They can be briefly stated as under:
1) Neshamah-behemot: The subtlety of our physical body.
2) Neshamah-nepheshi: The subtlety of our self, our soul.
3) Neshamah-lev: The subtlety of our heart.
4) Neshamah-sod halev: The subtlety of our secret heart.
5) Neshamah-ruach: The subtlety of our spirit man.
6) Neshamah-chayim: The subtlety of our spiritual life.
7) Neshamah-yachidah: The subtlety of our oneness with the One.