Therefore, the Brahma Jyani knower of the supreme knowledge denies that there is such a thing as non-existence and calls it an illusion. He says that is does not exist. He says that to be is the truth and not to be is a falsity. There simply is no such thing, so the question of knowing it does not arise.
If we look into the scriptures of Jainism such as Bhagwati Sutra, Uttaradhyayan Sutra, Tatvarth Sutra, and Aagam literature we find many such similar concepts that stand in line to Chakras and Lataif. The six Leshyas or rather mental tendencies as described in Jainism can well be equated with Lataif and Chakras. There are six Leshyas as there are six chakras and six Lataif. These Leshyas are Krishna Leshya, Neel Leshya, Kapot Leshya, Tejo Leshya, Padma Leshya and Shukla Leshya. They can be described in brief as under:
1. In Krishna leshya, black leshya, colour is black like Collyrium. The person in this conditin would be devoid of Dharma; he will have no kindness, or sympathy; he will be burning with jealousy; he will be angry; and will be steeped in animosity and malice. If person dies in this condition then such person would go to Hell.
2. In Neel leshya, blue leshya, colour is blue like the throat of a peacock. The person in this conditin would be lazy, haughty, cowardly, steeped in stupefying passions, and will be a cheat and a hypocrite. If person dies in this condition then such person would be born as a in tree, plant, etc.
3. In Kapot leshya, Brown leshya, colour is brown like the throat of pigeon. The person in this conditin would be gloomy, excited, of a dejected, despondent, lamenting calumniating others; praising himself and will lack mental poise. If person dies in this condition then such person would be born as a bird or animals.
4. In Tejo leshya, Red colour, colour is red like the beak of parrot. The person in this conditin would be religious, death, a benevolent and thinks will of what can be done what should not be done. He has a wholesome and balanced personality. If person dies in this condition then such person would be born as human.
5. In Padma leshya, Yellow lesya, colour is yellow like gold. The person in this conditin would be forgiving by nature and makes sacrifices. He is very conscious; wakeful in the performance of austerities. He remains unaffected by joys and sorrows and is always cheerful. If person dies in this condition then such person would be born as celestial beings in devloka.
6. In Shukla Leshya, White leshya, colour is white like cow's milk or conch shell. When the Jiva is firmly rooted in this Leshya that person becomes omniscient; becomes totally free from attachments and hatred and