The Lataif of Islamic Sufism, Chakras of Hindu spirituality and Leshyas of Jainism represent the same thing in one way or the other. All have colour systems of their own. Different Lataif are represented by different colours so are the chakras and the six Leshyas are also represented by different colours. The colour has a specific importance and function in religious traditions.
: Why did God opt to create the universe and what is the Will of God, which He intends to accomplish? Reflection of all these things is found in the Great Soul. One side of Great Soul is the Obscure Subtlety (akhfa) and the other side is the Latent Subtlety (khafi), Great Soul is the storehouse of eleven thousand beatific visions of God. The person who attains communion with these two subtleties can observe these visions. These two subtleties of akhfa and khafi are found in every human being irrespective of who he is, what he is, or whatever his station in life is. "Great Soul", "Human Soul", and "Animal Soul" are really levels of functioning of the same soul and are not different souls. These three components are like three rings of light infused in one another and are collectively called the soul, the inseparable entity, the Lord's decree, or simply the man. Man gets acquainted with them one by one by Muraqaba (Sufi Meditation), Dhikr (Remembrance of God) and purification from negative thoughts patterns such as fear, depression, negative emotions such as hate, contempt, anger, lust and negative practices such as hurting others psychologically or physically. Loving God and loving every human being irrespective of his race, religion, or nationality, and without consideration for any possible reward, is the key to ascension according to Sufistic Islamic tradition.
Though there exists apparent similarities among Lataif, Chakras and Leshyas, they are the independent concepts of spiritual practices of different religious traditions. There is a similarity that all of them have colour system. Lataif, Leshyas and Chakras have different colours of their own. As the ultimate aim of any religio-spiritual practice is to achieve liberation or evolution, it is natural that these concepts have certain similarities, but the seekers must follow particular rules of a particular tradition when he or she desires to practice and activate the chakras or the Lataif. In final words these Lataif and Chakras are the energy sources for the evolution of human kind. By activating them one realizes God, one merges with ultimate reality and at periphery level one can control many passions and there by lead a happy and peaceful life.