9) Interestingly Jains consider earth, water, air and plants as living
beings and nonviolence to these elements is environment protection or natural ecological balance as described by modern environmentalist.
10) Love and compassion should
be universal and not limited. Practically one may not be able to protect all or help all but in his thought he should always have compassionate attitude
towards all living beings."
11) Its spiritual focus is monk and Animal Shelter House
not the house holder. (Panjrapole)
12) Self-purification is achieved by
penance. 13) They follow strict vegetarianism and concepts of Jain food
where many vegetarian items like root vegetables are forbidden for the belief that these food have infinite lives in it. One cannot live without air, water and food but one must restrict all possible
injuries to any living beings as defined by Jain tradition. 14) Though less than 1% of Indian population Jains is a leading
business community of India and recently lots of professionals
are found in this community. 15) There is no history where Jains have attempted religious
conversions either by favours or force, contrary to this it has always respected all religions and faiths believing in concept of Anekant- wherein they believe that reality is multifaceted. It teaches to bow down to all spiritual leaders irrespective of their religions, who have won over the passions like anger,
ego, deceit and greed. 17) It has significant contribution in the various fields in the
history of India especially in the fields like finance, philanthropy, art & architecture and at last the philosophy of NONVIOLENCE.