12 Commandment or rules of conduct
for house holder-Shavakacar
1) Nonviolence by all possible means - Ahimsa 2) Truth and no hurting in speech - Satya 3) No stealing
- Acaurya 4) Limiting sensual pleasures - Maithunvirman 5) Limiting materialistic possessions - Aparigrah 6) Limiting activities(Violence) in terms of space
- Dikvirti 7) Limiting activities (Violence) in term of time and space
- Desavagasik 8) Limiting activities(Violence) in
terms of time, space and materials - Bhog Upbhog Pariman 9) Remain in equanimity to all and in all circumstances
- Samayik 10) Learn to practice a life of monk - Paushadhopvas 11) Refrain from all useless sinful activities
- Anarthdand 12) Distrubute all you have to unknown, be possession less - Atithi Samvibhag
(-a stage set for monkhood) The principal idea in these rules is NONVIOLENCE
"Non-Violence is the biggest
Weapon” - Mahatma Gandhi