Salient Features of Jain Philosophy
1) You are the only doer, enjoyer and designer of your deeds and destiny. There is no super being as your creator or savior.
2) Souls transmigrate in various forms of living beings according to its past deeds .They have physical body in various states and have miseries but no eternal happiness in these states of lives. 3) To acquire eternal happiness one has
to totally purify his soul by winning over his passions like anger, ego, deceit and greed. One who wins over these passions is without any attachments and liberated soul. These souls have no miseries and enjoy eternal happiness. This is termed as Moksha. They have no cycle of rebirth and death anymore.
4) Jain tradition does not believe in eternal heaven or hell. The souls from heaven and hell are reborn after enjoying or sufferings as the case may be. Liberation can occur only from human life.
5) It believes in infiniteness of universe, space and time. The time is in cyclic form with circle of good to bad to good and so on.
6) Every soul is individual and independent having potential to be omniscience and omnipotent.
7) The root causes of our miseries are our uncontrolled attachments and desires. Lesser the desires happier is the life. 8) The principal practice in Jainism is nonviolence in thoughts, speech and bodily actions not only to human beings but to all living beings including one sensed organisms.