cakkal.179 34, chattal. 35, daídal. 36, asil. 37, maņil. 38, kāgaạil. 39, cammal.180 40, cardayal. 41, suracariyaṁ 42, rähucariyam 43, gahacariyaṁ181 44, sobhikaraṁ 45, dobhākaraḥ 46, vijjägayam 47, mamtag. 48, rahassag. 49, sambhāvaṁ 50, vāraí (? cāraṁ BC) 51, padivāraṁ (cāraḥ BC)182 52, būham 53, pa dibūhaṁ 54, khaṁdhīvāramāṇaḥ 35, nagaramāņa 56, vatthumāņaṁ 57, khamdhāvāranivesaṁ 58, nagaraṇivesaṁ 59, vatihunivesam 60, isattham 61, charuppavāyam (pagaya BC) 62, asasikkham 63, hatthisikkha 64, dhaņuvedań 65, hariņavādaṁ (hiraņņavāyam BC) 66, suvaņņayidam 67, manipāgaṁ 68, dhāupāgaṁ 69, bāhujuddhaṁ 70, daṁdaj. 71, mutthij. 72, atthij. 73, juddhaṁ 74, nijuddham 75, juddhātijuddhaṁ 76, suttakhe dam 77, ņāliyakheddam 78, vattakheddar 79, dhammakheddam188 80, camharevattaṁ (! pamhakheddań BC) 81, pattacheyyaṁ 82, kadaga (kannaga BC) cheyyam 83, pattagacheyyaṁ 84, sajīvam 85, nijīvaṁ 86, sa ümaruyam 87, iti. Of these 87 names, 15 are to be removed, whether they are păthamtaras (see on No. 80), or interpolations. For the v. r. from Nāy. see below ;-$ 81 Vivāhapannattie (in the fifth anga) ekkāsiṁ mahājummasayā [284], (mahāyugmaśatāni) paṁ (natta) ;-$ 84 vivāhapannattie naṁ bhagavaie caürāsiim payasahassă padaggeņaṁ pannatta. Later on in the course of our investigation we will recur to the fact that this statement in reference to the extent of the text is less by 100,000 padas than that of the present text. See § 85 and $ 25 on the designation as bhagavati, which has remained the exclusive property of this text.-- $ 85 āyārassa ņam bhagavato .sacūliyāgassa parcasiis uddesaņakālā ;-$ 88 diļļhivāyassa naṁ atthāsiiṁ suttaiṁ paṁ tam ; ujjusuyan, pariņayāpariņayaṁ, evaṁ althāsiiṁ suttani bha riyavvāņi, jahā 'Naṁdie.' This reference to the Nandi, by which any further enumeration has been spared, is very remarkable from the fact that the statements in it, a few pages further on, are found in exactly the same detail in the fourth anga itself at this very point, in the consideration of the contents and extent of all the angas. This being the case the reference ought to have followed the collective statement found several pages further on in the same anga. We are therefore compelled to believe that the Nandi is the original source of information for this presenta tion, common to anga 4 and the Nandi, and that this presentation was
179 Nāy. omits 33,34. 180 40-50 omitted in Nay. 181 Are they to be regarded as planets or are they to be understood according to the
fashion of the Ath. Paris. 53.54 ? 182 Instead of 51-57 there are in Nay. the following 31 names; varthuvijjam, khandhāra
mānañ 56, 53. 54, 51 (BC), 52 (BC) cakkavuham; garulavuham; sagadavuhan ;
74-76, 73 72, 70, layājuddhañ ; 61, 62, 65- 183 Omitted in BC, where we read instead pāvantare (pāțhāṁtare) camha, by which
camhao is manifestly designated as v. 1. to pamha.