number of 46 akşaras, whether written signs or sounds (which can have reference to Sanskrit alone and not to Prakrit, since ks is included in the list), I am as yet entirely unable to explain172* - $ 57 tinhaṁ ganipidagäņaṁ äyäracūliyavajjāņaṁ sattāvannam ajjhayaņā paṁ (natta) āyāre 24, süyagade 23, tủäne [282] 10; here the first 3 angas are taken together as a unit and called 'the three gaṇipidagas' par excellence. It is here worthy of note that only 24 ajjh. are ascribed to the dyara after the separation of the āyāracūliyā; and in fact (p. 254) only the nisihajjhayaņam, which in § 25 is called the 25th ajjh., can be meant by äyáracūliya;- in § 59 fifty-nine day-nights (rātiņdiya) are allotted to each season of the lunar year ; $ 61 pascasaṁ vaccharassa naṁ jugassa ridumasenaṁ miyyamānassa egasaţthi udumăsă paṁ (nattā); see on this Jyotişa v. 31 (my treatise, p. 93) ;- $ 62 the quinquennial yugam has 62 full moons, 62 new moons; $-67 67 nakkhattamāsā ; according to $ 71, the winter of the fourth lunar year in the yuga) has 71 vuxen' nepa
-caütthassa nam caídasaṁvaccharassa hemaṁtäņamekasattarie rātidiyehiṁ vitikkaṁtehim ;-in $ 72 enumeration of the 72 kalas which are essentially identical with those which recur in anga 6, 1, 119, upānga 1, 107 and elsewhere ;173 the repeated use of the word lakkhaņa probably forms a literary synchronism with the Mahābhāsya and the Atharvaparisistas. See Ind. Stud, 13, 460, Burnell, Tanjore Catalogue, p. 9 fg. ; the names are :
Lehaṁ 1, ganiyaṁ 2, rüvaṁ 3, națţaṁ 4, giyaṁ 5, väiyaṁ 6, saragayam 7, pukkharagayaṁ 8, samatālaṁ 9, jūya 10, juņavāyaṁ 11, porevaccam (A. kayvaṁ B.C.)174* 12, athavaya 13, dagamattiyaṁ 14, annavihim 15, pāņavihiņ 16, leņav175 17, sayaņay 18, ajjapaheliyaṁ (ajjaṁ pao B.C.) 19, māgahiya 20, gāhaṁ'76 21, silogam 22, gamdhajuttiṁ 23, [283], madhusittham177 24, abharaṇavihis 25, taruņipadikammaṁ 26, itthilakkhaṇaḥ 27, purisal. 28, hayal, 29, gayal. 30, gonal.178 31, kukkudal. 32, midhayal. 33,
ak saras, shows the 46 māuyakkhară ascribed in anga 4,46 to the bambhi livi. In reference to their use see page 462. It is however doubtful whether the use of the
latter (on page 462) represents an example of the māuyakkharā. 172 tāni ca 'käradini hakārāmdatāni (Prātāni) saksa kärāni jha-da-tri-um-lam (1).
(Leumann proposes to me to read ri, ri, ļi ; but what is the meaning of jha and da (!) ty eva (!) ity etadak şarapamcakavarjitāni sambhāvyante.-The letters meant
are indeed ri, ri, li, li, and ļ, see Weber's Cat. II, p. 408, n.-2-L. '173 See Paul Steinthal, Specimen of the Nāyādh. p. 29 and Leumann, Aupapāt. p. 77,
where especial notice is taken of the variant readings here. 174 Nay. has here päsa yam and reverses the position of 12 and 13.-*The right name
of the 12th kala is no doubt porekaccham-pauraşkit yam.-L. 175 Vilevana Nay, with the addition of vatthay. 176 Nay. adds gitiyan. 177 Instead of 23,24 Nay. has hirannajuttis, suvannaj, cunnaj. 178 Steinthal has ganalo.