at a later period taken from the Nandi and inserted in anga 4 ; furthermore, this insertion must have occured at a period succeeding that to which the above reference of the redactor belongs. Or have we merely to do with a later act of the scribes ? Were this the case, this act of theirs is at least very remarkable, if not unfortunately executed. There is, however, one difficulty in the way of the assumption that the Nandi is the ultimate source, viz. : there are all manner of differences between the treatment in the Nandi and that here, differenees in which the Nandi does not always [285] contain the more ancient statements. See below. The fact that the table contents in N. is much shorter than that here makes, it is true, eo ipso, an impression of greater antiquity ; and N. offers in this table of contents many readings which are decidedly older and better.
We have now reached a point where we may discuss the collective presentation itself. It begins simply ; duvälasaṁge ganipidage pań (natte), taṁ : then follow the names of the 12 angas and then the details in reference to contents, division and extent of each of the twelve. I insert here what. I have collected from the statements in reference to division and extent, that the reader may obtain a general survey of the whole. I subjoin the v. r. from the Nandi (N) which, after what I have said above, may in the last instance claim priority over those of the anga.
1. Āyāre, 2 suyakhaṁdhā, 25 ajjhayaņā, 85 uddesaņakālā, 85 samuddesaņakālā, 18 payasahassăim payaggenaṁ.
2. Sūyagade, 2 suyakh. 23 ajjh , 33 udd., 33 samudd., 36 padasahassaiṁ (36,000) padaggeņaṁ.
3. Thane, 1 suyakh., 10 ajjh., 21 udd., 21 samudd., 72 payasahassais (72,000) payággeņam.
4. Samaväe, 1 ajjh., 1 suyakh., 1 udd., 1 samudd., ege coyale payasayasahasse (144,000); saya is omitted in the incorrect Berlin MS. of N., but accord. to Leumann is in the N. Ed.) pay.
5. Viyahe, 1 suy., 100 ajjh. with a residue (!) ege săirege ajjhayaņasaye), 10 uddesagasahassäis, 10 samuddesagasahassāim, 36 vägaranasahassäim, 84 (!) payasahassāim (84,000) payaggeņam :--the latter statement is found also in § 84 -see above page 284-N, however, has : do lakkhā atthāsii (288,000) payasahassāim, which corresponds to twice the former steady increase in 1-4,