in the schol. valayam is explained by bhāvavalayam, māyā saṁsāraḥ. If this reading is correct, perhaps Vedic valaga might be thought of. 106
11. Maggo, märga, with 36 vv., ; in v. 1 māhaņeņa matimatā as in 9,1.
12. samosaraṇam, samava', with 22 v. ; kumärgatyägaḥ; four samavasaraņāni paratirthikābhyupagamasamūharūpāņi, ie, the 180 kiriyāvāi etc. (see p. 259,266).
13. ahatahar, yathātatham (hence by the ampliative ika or ya also) āhattahie, āhittihie, āhattahijjam; avitaha (Āv), with 23 vv. ; samyakcaritram.
14. gamtha (gasdho V), grantha, with 27 vv.; gramtham dhanādikań tyaktvā.
15. jam-aiam, yam atitam (according to the opening words), or ādaniyam ; with 25 vv.
16. gåhā or gathāsodaśakaṁ ;107 despite this name, a prose explanation of the names māhaņa, samaņa, bhikkhu, niggastha and their identical signification (ekārtha).
• Second śrutaskandha.
1. purdarie, oriyar V, pundarika,108 Comparison of the bhikkhu with a lotus flower in the middle of a pond ; it begins (see above, p. 248) : suaṁ me ausam, tena bhagavayā [265] evam akkhāyam ; iha khalu pomdariya nāmam ajjhayaņe, tassa ņam ayam atthe pannatte. This introductory formula, the second part of which occurs again in anga 6 et seq.; is repeated with corresponding modification in ajjh. 2-4. All four ajjh, are in prose.
2. kiriyathānam, of the 12 or 13 kriyāsthāna.
3. āhāraparinna, oparijñā. In the schol. a variant of the scholars of Nāgārjuna is adduced with the words Nāgārjuni(ya)s tu pathaṁti. Nāgajjuņavāyaga, or oņāyaria, "narisi, is mentioned with great honour in the opening of the Nandi and of the Āv., in the list of teachers v. 39, 40, 45, and in fact as separated by three gradations merely
106 mokşam samdadhyāt. 107 cf. also the manner of death vala yamayakam, up. 1.70, "death by magic arts ?"
Little can be made out of the commentaries. See the excellent glossary of Leumann
which reaches me, May 1883, while these sheets are in the press. 108 gāthāşodasākhyam şodaśam adhyayanam. In V., gāhāsolas agonāmagao.