Bhūadinna, Lohicca and Dūsagani - from the author himself, whom the scholiast calls Devavācaka - Devarddhigaội, Jacobi, Kalpas. p. 15n.
4. paccakkhāņakiriyā, pratyākhyānakriya.
5. in S. Āv. v. anagaraṁ (rasuya S.) ; here however correctly aņāyārasutam, anācāraśrutam, in 34 vv.; it opens as follows : adaya baṁbhaceraṁ ca asupanne (āśuprajñaḥ panditaḥ) imaṁ caram, assim (asmin) dhamme aņāyāraṁ n'āyareyyā kayā i vi //
6. Addai jjam Ārdrakiyam, in 55 vv. A sermon of Ardraka, the son of a merchant who, according to the scholiast, from the sight of a picture of Jina sent to him as a debt of gratitude by Abhayakumăra (the son of the king Sreņika of Rājagsha), obtained jātismaranam and turned to pravrajyå so as to receive the pratyekabuddha dignity, etc. The sermon appears to be addressed to Gośāla. In the last 'verse : buddhassa āņāe imaḥ samāhim (tattvajñasya śri Virasya ajñāyāṁ...), buddha is used directly as a name of Vira. [266]
7. Nālaṁdaijjam, odā V., Nālaṁdiyam, 109 in prose ; (śrāvakavidhih).110 Legend of Udaya (Udaka) Pedhālaputta Metajja, 111 a Pasāvaccijja, Pårsvāpatyiya, i.e. scholar, or follower of Parśva, whom the bhagavam Goyama (Indrabhūti) leads to Mahavira, after he has heard the same from the Kumāravuttiya (Kumāraputriya), nama samaņā niggarthā. Udaya thus 12 leaves the cāujjāma dhamma of Pārsva and accepts the parcamahavvai yaṁ sapadikkamaņa dhammam of Mahavira.
The table of contents in anga ' 4 (or Nandi) is as follows : kim tam sūyagade ?118 sūyagade naṁ sasamayā sūijjasti parasamayā s. sasamayaparasamayă s., jivi s. ajīvā s. jivājivā s., logo s. alogo s. logālogo s. ;114 sūyagade nam jivājīva115-punna-pāv-'äsava-samvara-nijjarabaṁdha-mokkhāvasāņā payatthā sūijjaħti; samaņāņam acirakālapayvajyāņa kusamayamohamatimohiyāņa sasdehajāya-sahajabuddhi-pariņāma
109 cf. anga 6,1,19.110 Named from Nalanda, a suburb (? bāhirika) of Rājagțha. 111 In the preceding 22 ajjh. sadhv-ācāraḥ prarūpitaḥ. 112 Medaryagotrena schol. ; I conjecture that this is a misunderstanding for Mevārya
see above, p. 235 Metārya is regarded as the tenth scholar of Mahā vira; see Hem.
v. 32. 113 S. Bhagavati 2,185 and Jacobi, ante, Vol. IX. p. 160. 114 sūcanāt sutran, sütrena kytam tat sūtrakytam. 115 In N. we first read loe, aloe, loyaloe, then jivă aj. j. lastly sasamae p. sasamaapara
samae ; so also in the following angas. The verb is in each of the nine instances in the plural ; suijjanti. The triads; jivājivājivan (jivā ajivā. jivājivā) loko'loko lokah (lokalokah), sat asat sad-asat are assigned specially to the Teräsi yas, Trairāśika, by Abh. on anga 12,1.