(S. 320.
day, gà tomorrow, grea, gar earlier, fai, FI, E, pri always, सहसा, झत्ति suddenly, नवरं only, नवरि thereafter, पुणो again, ताव य, एत्थंतरे in the mean while.
321 Adverb of manner : A. Al, not, ga, faer, fa, za like, एवं, तहा so, कहं पि somehow सम्मं properly, समं together; बाढं, धणियं very, ईसि मणं little, अवस्सं necessarily, लहुं, सिग्घंquick1y सणियं slowly, कमेण in course, सुट्ठ well, केवलं only, सेयं better.
322 The adverbs have a twofold origin. (i) Some of them are old case forms and others are formed with suffixes. Acc. Sing. is found in : uddham (ürdhvam), būhim (bahih), iyānim (idānim), sampayar (sampratam), kallam (kalyam), miccari (nityam), sayayam (satatam), puvim (*pūrvim), bādham, dhaniyam, evaņ (evam). Inst. is found in: antarā, sahasā, kamena (kramena), diyā (divā), purā ; Ab. is found in : bahiyā (bāhyāt); hetthā, pacchā; Loc. in : etthantare, Tāo, rahe, suve, pure.
(ii) With the suffix -ttha (Sk. rra): ettha, tattha, jattha, kattha, egattha, annattha, savvattha. With the suffix -tas, io, etto, tao, tatto, jao, jatto, kao, katto, kuo, dūrao, aggao. With the suffix -ha (Sk. tha); ihan, jaha, taha, kaham. With the suffix -dā: tayā, jayā, kayā, sayā. With -hini : jahim, tahim, kahim. With -he: Pāhe, tāhe.
323 PREPOSITIONS. Used with nouns. (i) Governing Acc. : अंतरेण without, जाव until, पइ towards, मोत्तण except, 3GP, MERT with.
(ii) Governing Ins. : H, ANË, Ak with, farm without. (iii) Governing Abl.: 3762 from.
(iv) Governing Gen. : पुरओ before, उवारें above, समीवं near, कए for, हेट्ठा below, बाहिं outside पञ्चक्खं in the presence etc. 324. Prepositions used with verbs.
अइ (अति) beyond, over, अइक्कमइ crosses, अइगच्छइ goes over.