S. 298.]
बुद्धिमन्नेउ ते गिरा ॥ 10 तए णं से मेहे कुमारे अम्मापिऊहिं एवं वुत्ते समाणे अम्मापियरो एवं वयासी । 11 तस्स णं कूणियस्स रन्नो धारिणी नामं देवी होथा। 12 अप्पा चेव दमेयव्वो अप्पा हु खलु दुद्दमो। अप्पा दंतो सुही होइ अस्सि लोए परस्थ य॥
297 1. The orders of the king should be followed by all the people. 2. King Aśoka's religion preached obedience to parents and elders. 3. Know thyself was the motto of the Greek philosophers. 4. The word arahanta is explained as one who deserves honour', 'one who kills enemies' and 'an honourable person'. 5. The preaching of the venerable lord Mahāvīra should not be thought to be the same as that of Buddha. 6. The ministers of the king brought before him the young prince of the vanquished enemy. 7. When asked what he wanted the child began to cry and lament the death of his father. 8. Men follow their leaders without thinking. 9. 'It is better to control oneself with penance and self-control. 10. The man who has eyes should be the leader of blind men.
298 The demonstrative pronoun gag is declined as follows: ___Mas.
Fem. - N. एस, एसो
एसा एयाओ A. एयं . I. एएणं
एएहिं एयाए एयाहिं . Ab. एयाओ एएहिन्तो एयाओ एयाहितो - G. एयस्स
एयाए एयासिं L. एयंसि, एयम्मि एएसुं एयाए एयासुं