23 कल्पद्रूणामदेयं किं, निविण्णानां किमत्यजम ? । गच्छामि तर्हि तस्यान्ते पश्याम्येतत्पराक्रमम् ॥ १२ ॥
12 Kalpadrūņāmadeyam kim, nirviņņānām kimatyajam;
Gacchāmi tarbi tasyānte paśyāmyetatparākramam, 12
12 What is not fit to be given by कल्पवृक्ष Kalpa Vriksha the fabulous Wishing tree capable of giving everything? What is unabandonable by persons of tranquil temperament? I am therefore going to him and will see bis strength.
तथा ममापि त्रैलोक्य-जित्वरस्य महौजसः । अजेयं किमिवाऽस्तीह तद्गच्छामि जयाम्यमुम् ॥ १३ ॥
13 Tatbā mamāpi trailokyajitvarasya mahaujasah;
Ajeyam kimivāstīha tadgacchāmi ja yāmyamum. 13
13 Nevertheless, what is mconquerable for a very powerful man like myself who has conquered the three worlds ? I am therefore going and I will have victory over bim.
इत्यादि चिन्तयन् प्रभुमवेक्ष्य सोपानसंस्थितो ध्यो । किं ब्रह्मा, किं विष्णुः किं सदाशिवः शंकरः किं वा ? ॥ १४ ।।
14 Ityādi cintayan prabhumavekşya sopānasamsthito dadhyau;
Kim Brahmā, kim Vişņuḥ, kim Sadāśivah, Sankaraḥ kim vā?
14 Thinking thus, and on beholding Sramana Bhagavin Mahāvīra, he thought while standing on the foot-steps of the staircase. "Is he u Brahmā? Is he facuy Visnu? Is he सदाशिष Sadasiva-Siva-(ever kind ) ? or Is he शंकर Sankara !
चन्द्रः किं ? स न यत्कलंककलितः सूर्योऽपि नो तीव्ररुक्; मेरुः किं ? न स यनितान्तकठिनो विष्णुः ? न यत् सोऽसितः ।