8 Perhaps, this controversialist has arrived here, as a result of good actions done by me in previous lives. I will now, surely remove the itching of my tongue..
लक्षणे मम दक्षत्वं, साहित्ये संहिता मतिः ।
तर्के कर्कशताऽत्यर्थं कशास्त्रे नास्ति मे श्रमः ? ॥ ६ ॥ 9 Laksane mama daksatvam sahitye samhita matih;
Tarke karkasatā'tyartbam kva śāstre nāsti me sramah ? 8
9 I am clever in लक्षणशास्त्र Lakshana sastra, the science relating to indications of marks on the body. I am intelligent " in साहित्य Sahitya, Rhetory. I am very tough in Logic. In
what science, have I not made studious effort ?
यमस्य मालवो दूरे, किं स्यात् ? को वा वचखिनः ।। अपोषितो रसो? नूनं, किंमजेयं च चक्रिणः ? ॥ १० ॥ 10 Yamasya Mālavo dūre kim syāt, ko vā vacasvinah;
A posito raso ? nūnam, kimajeyam ca ca kriņah ? 10
10 Is Malva distant for यम Yama, the god of Death? What taste has not been nurtured by a person with a tongue and what is really unconquerable for a af Cakrin, A discus wielder?
अभेद्यं किमु वज्रस्य किमसाध्यं महात्मनाम् । क्षुधितस्य न किं खाचं, किं न वाच्यं खलस्य च ? ॥ ११ ॥ 11 Abhedyam kimu vajrasya, kimasadhyan mahatmanam:
Kșudhitasya na kim khādyan, kim na vācyam khalasya ca ? ..
11 What is incapable of being pierced by Vajra Indra's thunder-bolt? What is unattainable by great personages ? What is not eatable by a hungry person and What is not speakable for a rogue?