Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
on DHV S.No. (5.7).
36. This gātha is already dealt with; vide DHV S.No. (2.6) supra.
37. Mammata comments on this gatha : --- अत्र हि हरिपदेन दक्षिणनयनस्य सूर्यात्मकता व्यज्यते
(हरेर्दक्षिणवामनयनयो: सूर्यचन्द्रात्मकत्वेन पुराणादिषु प्रसिद्धत्वादिति भावः।) तन्निमीलनेन सूर्यास्तमय:, तेन पद्मस्य सङ्कोच:, ततो ब्रह्मण: स्थगनम्, तत्र सति गोप्याङ्गस्यादर्शनेन अनिर्यन्त्रणं निधुवनविलसितमिति । -पृ. २५१.
38. This gātha is already dealt with; vide DHV S.No. (1.6) supra.
39. Mammata cites this gāthā to illustrate the defect 'a-sravyatva' (= unpleasant to
the ear or unmelodious). Jam pariharius tīrai --- In this gāthā the close proximity of the second and third ganas called 'sagana' and 'bhagana' is unmelodious (as has been declared by standard writers on Metrics).
40. This stanza is already dealt with; vide SK S.No. (369.414) supra. Mammata
cites this stanza to illustrate 'अधम-प्रकृत्युक्तिषु ग्राम्यो गुण:।' यथा - फुल्लुक्करं --- He then remarks : अत्र कलम-भक्त-महिषी-दधिशब्दा ग्राम्या अपि विदूषकोक्तौ। पृ. ४२५-४२६.
41. This gātha is already dealt with; vide DHV S.No. (14.8) supra. Mammata cites
this gatha to illustrate 'अर्थान्तरसंक्रमितवाच्ये ध्वनौ कथितपदस्य गुणत्वम् . Note : "द्वितीयकमलपदं विकाश-सौरभ-सौन्दर्यादिमत्कमलपरम् ।"
This gātha is already dealt with; vide DHV. Locana S.No. (39.13) supra. Mammata cites this gatha to illustrate गर्भितं तथैव (क्वचिद् गुण: दृढप्रत्ययहेतुत्वात् ।). In the gatha under consideration, the expression पत्तिहि (or पत्तिअ) = प्रतीहि 'believe me' – this parenthetical clause – is inserted for the purpose of emphasizing the assertion. Mammata thus comments on it : अत्र सकलपरिहारवनगमने शान्तानुभावौ । इन्धनाद्यानयनव्याजेनोपभोगार्थ वनगमनं चेत् न दोषः। - पृ. ४३९.
43. In this gāthă there have been introduced two anubhāvas (consequents) : 'losing
of interest in all work' and 'departing to the forest'. These help in the creation or development of śānta-rasa. There would be nothing wrong if these were to indicate that the desire to proceed to the forest was for the purpose of meeting her lover under the pretext of fetching fuel and such things.