Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
the days of separation from her consort. As her consort or lover has just arrived, she, if she continues counting the lines, might miss the golden chance of welcoming him home right now and felicitating him!
1621-1622. इष्टवयस्यानां मिथो व्यवहार: प्रियसखीवाक्यानि । यथा- प्रिय० - the words of one's
(nayika's) dear friends or conversation between dear friends.
1621. The situation behind this stanza is to be understood as follows : The young
bride is in her bed-chamber. Her friend (अत्ता = सखी) suddenly enters and announces the pleasant news of the arrival of her consort to the young newly married girl. She is overjoyed at this good news and consequently embraces her friend to express her great joy ! कंठ-त्थणिअ = कण्ठकूजित.
See ŚP S. No. (616.165) above. SK (p. 591, v. 54) defines sankā (apprehension) one of the thirty-three vyabhicăribhāvas and cites this gāthă
with the introductory words : तद्रूपेण रसस्य प्रकर्षो यथा -. After citing it, Bhoja thus comments upon it : अत्र विरहिण्या: कार्थ्यातिशयमुद्रीक्षमाणाया: कस्याश्चिद् वयस्याया: स्नेहातिशयात् 'प्रेम पश्यति भयान्यपदेपी ति प्रियागमप्रहर्षातिशयभावेऽप्यसहिष्णुतया तन्मरणशङ्का प्रकृष्यते ।
1623-1624. प्रियागमपारितोषिकमङ्गलानि दिष्ट्या वृद्धयः। यथा - दिष्ट्या - "thank heaven ! I
congratulate you on your good luck !" often with vardhase : you are
fortunate; दिष्ट्या -वृद्धि congratulation. 1623. See $P S. No. (1348.289) above. 1624. See SP S. No. (1356.290) above.
1625-1626. पूर्णपात्रादिहरणं प्रीत्यादयो यथा - पूर्णपात्र - a vessel filled with valuable things
to be distributed as presents, especially a present made to any one who brings good news; प्रीत्या (ind.) in a state of joyful excitement, gladly, with joy.
1625. Dr. H. C. Bhayani thus restores the gatha:
तइआ तम्मि अइंते सहस चिअ फट्ट-वलअ-रिक्क-करा । थासअ-मलिआ ओणअ-होरणि अम्ह कहिंति (?) ||