Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
(at af f a henta wyfeat-qara-R-CART 1 PRACHAT 37976-STRIT 37711 ---(?) 11)
The second half of this gāthā is somewhat corrupt and obscure. YTH370 (she) whose body is smeared or perfumed with unguents (of sandal); 3|u3to with her upper garment slipped down (from her breasts ?)
The first half may be translated as follows :
On seeing her lover who had turned up most unexpectedly, she felt so overwhelmed with joy that the bangles burst leaving the hands bare.
1626. अवहूढा emended to अवऊढा (Sk. अवगूढा) embraced, clasped round; generally
speaking, 3416 is the commonly used expression in Sanskrit; but one of the senses of 379 + Eis 'to embrace' and Hemacandra cites an illustration wherein this form is used : 013 314CT/ (974: 3794c:). So it was thought better to emend 370661 to 319GT, rather than to 300CT (Sk. 34°C).
1627. HIGIT (? Hedhilatera:) FTHAT ART - HT is flurry, agitation. In the first half
the Mysore edn. reads --- 3 Tigaie 377301; the first word may be corrected as with समुअि (समुत्थित). Cf. the second half of this gatha with the second half of the gătha cited earlier on p.958 - 34551 Mustafa37c 431 A CIG UT ORE 11 The first half, however, totally differs.
1629. The first half, however, totally differs. Hemi PT MATURIT — PRIMA:
- the arrival of one's consort/ lover; oft ---- adj. lustful, libidinous (Apte); Bhoja here paraphrases fou by . "The word 337 occurs in the first quarter of the stanza. It can mean either you (look!) or 30 (= and, further). As we do not know the precise context of the stanza, it is not possible to say which of the two senses of 337 is applicable here." - MVP.
1630-1631. fraction Figf: (= vige . Figefto - is the act of looking steadfastly,
gazing, beholding one's lover or beloved husband. 1630. See ŚP S. No. (541.151) above. 1631. HEUT = FAT = HRYHTHT; 1419&q=Hif&a=ER (?).
There is no authority, however, for understanding winca as Krsna or Hari.