Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
and give its chāyā as follows: (FHITISTIT / DEUT 37FR CIT 11) dgt : madman's imitative gestures. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of 'विषयानुराग: समजातौ 194: 1 - The daughter of the village-chief and the young cowherd boy are of the same caste. So, their love is socially equal and acceptable and above censure.
603. Bhoja cites this gātha with the introductory words : "Fikut: RFYRIETETT STIH
T-" The young woman - the speaker of the gātha and her consort love each other intensely; naturally, this love is of the best kind (uttama). SK (p. 640, v. 242) cites it with the introductory words: "375 (RAR) Flyturfeit".
604. Bhoja cites this gāthā with the introductory words : "119GRIT HEZHT OPT".
This gāthā speaks of the woman's intense love for her man but he seems to be indifferent towards her. So this love is 'intermediate in rank' (HETH - middling). SK (p. 636, v. 229) cites it with the introductory words: "(Paycey ileg) M YT UHURTAT"'.
605. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide SP S. No. (451.135) supra. Bhoja cites
it here with the introductory words : 'quer IT'. SK (p. 630, v. 201) cites it with the introductory words : "(Pustrider migen) ja IT —". Here the man's love for the woman is depicted but the woman is indifferent. Hence this love is said be of inferior kind.
606. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of one of the varieties of 311646&HIRT,
called sita. Mathurānātha Sāstri (p. 239) in the course of his comments on this gāthā says: 'इयं तव गुणाऽश्रवणेऽपि केवलमवलोकनादेव त्वय्यनुरक्ताऽभवद् इति भवद्भाग्यवैभवेन स्वभावतोऽनुरागिणी सेयं त्वरितमेव संभावनीया" इति व्यज्यते ।
607. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of one of the varieties of FİRHITT, called
PRICE (P RRIERTEHTRT PRICE). See the translation.
608. Read against this S. No. (608) ---- (p. 794). This gāthā is already dealt with;
vide SP S. No. (519.148) supra. Bhoja cites it here to illustrate one of the varieties of संस्थानानुराग, called मिथ्या ('एकस्य प्रातिकूल्ये मिथ्या'). Ravana's passion for Sītā is HOZI (false), his love is nothing but sexual desire; he is infatuated with