Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
love; whereas Sītā not only does not respond but actually hates him. Hence this love is false !
609. It is not unlikely that the original reading in the first half of the skandhaka
might have been कुविआणुणिआ (कुपितानुनीता). Bhoja cites this skandhaka as an example of one of the varieties of संस्थानानुराग, called अतिशायी - ('एकस्यातिशयाधिक्ये अतिशायी ) SK (p. 671, v. 322) cites it with the introductory words : "प्रेमप्रकारे विप्रियादिभिरप्यविनाशयनीयो नित्यो यथा-".
Laksmi's love for Visnu (Krsna) is etermal, firm like a rock, not to be destroyed
by the love's offences committed by him against her. 610. This gātha is already dealt with; vide ŚP S. No. (348.115) supra. Bhoja cites
it here as an example of one of the varieties of स्वरूपानुराग: (गभीर :) (अप्रकाशो गभीर: ।) See translation.
611. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of one of the varieties of स्वरूपानुराग: (प्रकट :)
(अतिप्रकाश: प्रकट: I) See translation.
612. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of one of the varieties of नैमित्तिकानुरागः,
called हैमान्तिक: (हेमन्तनिमित्त: हैमन्तिक:). GSW (745) reads the first half as:
कस्स ण सद्धा गरुअत्तणम्मि पइणो पसाअमाणस्स ।
Bhuvanapala (v. 642, p. 271) and Jinesvara suri (GRK v. 671) read: कस्स न सद्धा गरुयत्तणस्स पइणो पसायमइअस्स ।
Dr.A.M.Ghatagerenders the gatha into Sanskrit and translates it as follows: "कस्य न श्रद्धा गुरुत्वे पत्यु: प्रसादयत: । यदि मानभञ्जनी: न भवन्ति हेमन्तरात्रय: ।।
Who will not have faith in the firmness of the husband who is soliciting, if there were not the nights of the cold season which break the pride ?."
M. V. Patwardhan translates the găthā (Gāhā Kosa v. 642, p. 81) as follows: "Who would not have a craving for the greatness consisting in (i.e. indicated by) the (apologetic) conciliation made by cne's dear consort, if (only) there were not the winter nights which strike at the root of one's haughtiness?"