Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
प्रगलुभायाः प्रियवाक्यवर्णनेन यथा - ".
339. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of अनूढ- प्रगल्भा (नायिका).
340. Bhoja cites this gāthā twice. Here he cites it as an example of You (FIRUCHT).
Further (p. 843) he again cites it with the introductory remark : “मध्यमाया मुग्धत्वं संभोगे यथा -". वक्खरअ d. means रतिगृह, अन्त:पुर. Hemacandra records in his DSS (pp. 247-248) वक्खारयं रइघरे -- वक्खारयं रतिगृहम्, "अन्त:पुरम्" इति अन्ये । अणुमग्ग (d. पीछे पीछे - PSM, p. 40) following, going after.
341. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of HEZIT (
F CT). Vajjālagga (p. 242, v. no. 318*3) reads the second half somewhat differently : बालाए लावण्णं उप्फिणियं थणभरमिसेण ।। (बालाया लावण्यं बहिर्निगतं स्तनभरमिषेण ।।)
"The loveliness of the damsel --- has erupted as it were under the guise of her bulky breasts."
342. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of प्रगल्भा (नायिका). SK (p. 684, v. no. 379)
cites this gatha with the introductory remark : "वय:कौशलाभ्यां संपूर्णा प्रगल्भा यथा -". खिण्ण (खिन्न) fatigued, exhausted (by excessive enjoyment of love's delights); चिउरभारं (चिकुरभार) mass of (long) hair; ओल्लं (आर्द्र) moist, wet. Cf. Mar. ओलें : गलंत (गलत्पुष्पं) from which flowers are still dropping; ण्हाण (स्नान-सुगन्धं) - स्नानेन स्नानीयेन सुगन्धम्, स्नानशब्देन स्नानीयं चूर्णमुच्यते, उपचारात् । - fragrant with the lotions or creams used while bathing; गिम्हा (ग्रीष्मापराह्ण रमितस्य) (of her husband) who had amorous dalliance with his wife on a summer afternoon. Bhuvanapāla remarks : प्रेमातिरेकेण दृष्टादृष्टार्थविरुद्धमपि ग्रीष्मापराह्णरतम् आचरत: श्रमापनयनाय प्रत्युपकारकं कामिनी कान्तस्योरसि कुन्तलकलापं शीतं च सुरभिं च निवेशयतीत्यर्थ: । प्र. १०९. M. V. Patwardan remarks : The stanza suggests inverted coitus.
343. Bhoja cites this gathaas an example of परकीया उत्तमा (नायिका). सुहउच्छिआ (सुखपृच्छिका)
- a woman who comes to inquire about the health of a sick person; or forçars
(न नितिष्ठति) is not left over. 344. चोरिअ (चौर्यरत - श्रद्धालुः / श्रद्धाशीला, then संबोधने श्रद्धालुके / श्रद्धाशीले) - dear (पुत्रि) night
prowler, O, dear young girl, having a keen desire for clandestine love-making; Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of उत्तमा धीरा (परकीया नायिका).
345. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of उत्तमाऽधीरा (परकीया नायिका). The girl burns